Chapter 6

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Chapter 7

The next day flew by without any mishaps, after class we piled into Justin’s car and headed for my house. Changing into some comfy clothing we set off onto the task of painting my room.

It wasn’t as easy as I had imagined it to be. Justin took charge sending Anna and myself in search of newspapers to cover the floor. Caine was to bring the paint up from the car. Justin and Nic would move and cover the furniture. Felix was sent to buy pizza. The further he was from any possible cupboard, that he could go dig around in, the better was Anna’s solution.

Once everything was set up, I ran over to my CD player and slotted in the Red Hot Chili Pepers. Bumping my hip against Anna we giggled, picked up our paint rollers and started on our side of the wall. We had the first coat done within two hours. Between the five of us we made progress and even Felix pitched in after having Anna threaten to colour all his underwear pink if he so much as thinks of digging in my things.

Taking a step back to survey the room, I was surprised how well the colour worked and this was only the first coat!

“Ok guys, lunch break!” I call.

“Non!” Felix calls while giving us all a once over, “Wash up first, you guys have more paint on yourselves than the wall. You too Mon Ami.”

My cheeks burn red, as I remember our mini paint fight.

Being the first to finish, I quickly retrieved a stack of plates and some serviettes, gently placing it on the table next to the Pizza boxes. Moving towards the cupboard I stood on my tip toes in order to reach the glasses. The tip of my finger was about to reach the first glass when a hand flashed above my head. I feel a warm body press up against my back. I knew instantly who it was.

I turned to look up at him, his face expressionless as he placed the first glass on the counter top before reaching for the rest, never once breaking eye contact with me. Once he was done his hands fell loosely to his sides but he didn’t step back. I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

Desperate to break the silence I blurted the first thing that came to mind, “Why are you so tall?”

“Why are you so short?” he retorted with a small smile playing on his lips.

I laughed but my smile slowly slipped as I saw the bruise marring the side of his face, without a conscious thought I lift my hand and gently touch his cheek.

“Does it still hurt?”

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply without answering. I quickly remove my hand, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I do things without thinking sometimes!”

I can feel my cheeks burning with embracement. God, Sylvie! This is the second time you’ve made a fool of yourself!

I ducked my head and made a move to step past him but his hands blocked my way. Gripping the edges of the granite counter top, he moved closer.

“No. It’s not that,” he says hoarsely, “I-I’m just not used to being touched.”

“Oh,” my voice was stuck in my throat as I looked at him. How could anyone resist touching him?

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