War: Preparing

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This is part one of two or three chapters of war!!! So this chapter is just gonna be them preparing and meeting new Deadly Pastas. Leggo!!!

Sophia's POV
All of us went outside for training. "Masky and Sophia you're training partners. EJ and Jana you're partners. Toby and Natalie, Hoodie and Nicole, Jane and Nina, Lj and Jill, Jeff and Raven, Kadence and Bloody Painter, and finally Insanity and Angel." Slender said as we went next to our partners.

"Alright start preparing!!!!" He yelled.

I spawned two dummies.

"Okay we need to work on your combat." Masky said as I nodded. "Pretend this dummy is a Deadly Pasta." Masky said as I made the dummy come to life.

"Go!" He said as the dummy came at me. It went left and I went right. It came at me and I dodged it by going to my right.

I punched the dummy in the gut and it kicked me. I kicked the dummy back and ran towards it pouncing on it and punching it.

I angled my knees so it was crushing the side of the dummy. It pushed me off and I fell back.

It was coming at me from behind and I jumped onto a tree.

It went up there and pushed me off.

"Ooof." I got up and didn't care that my head was throbbing.

I turned to dummy to make it look like a Deadly Pasta.

It started swinging at me left and right.

I dodged and started punching back.

I ran behind it and grabbed the arms and put it behind so they were twisted and I had control.

I threw it to the wall and it made a small dent.

But it made a loud noise.

It came at me and I swept under its feet so it fell face first and it grabbed my ankle and pulled me down.

"Okay and time out!" Masky said. I turned the dummy back to a dummy.

"Alright you need to work on strategy. If the pasta comes up behind you what you do is sweep under its feet." Masky said as I kept listening.

"Okay." I said panting.

"Now you need to work on weapons." I said as I gave Masky a knife and brought the dummy to life and made it look like a pasta.

"Go." I said watching him. I gave the dummy a butter knife.

He was dodging left and right cutting the dummy and the dummy cut his arm somehow with a butter knife. (I don't know how physics work)

The dummy got his leg and Masky got the dummy's neck. I stopped the battle and turned the dummy to normal and took Masky's knife.

"Okay, we have a LOT to work on." I said as I felt something drip from my head.

"What the hell" I said looking up and seeing blood in the sky.

I stood up on a tree and whistled super loud.

"LISTEN UP!!! THE SKY ISNT NORMAL!!! EVERYONE IN NOW!!! GO GO GO!!!!!" I shouted as we all ran in.


I ran back out and got Sally and Grinny and Smile Dog.

"Why is the sky like that?" Slender asked.

"Sit down and I'll tell you." I said as we all sat on the couch.

"Well, the Deadly Pastas have someone super strong. She is able to turn the sky different colors and so can I. Her name's Blood Tears. She cries blood when she's super mad. And when the sky turns blood red, she's coming. So I got you all in here so you wouldn't be killed." I said as everyone looked scared and wide eyed.

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