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Sophia's POV
Natalie and I woke up in an attic, wtf?! I burned the ropes and ripped tape off my mouth. I ripped the tape of Natalie's mouth and cut her ropes, I teleported us out of there and back into our dorm. 4:00?! "Natalie we gotta get ready for that party!!" I put on a strapless midnight blue dress and blue tights and flats. I did my makeup and looked flawless. I did Natalie's and I curled my hair and put a moon clip in it. I put on my ring and necklace just in case. After Natalie and I got ready we walked to Nicole's room and she welcomed us in. "You're right on time!!" She said and they're many many people there. All eyes were on us, Maci walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Wanna be my partner in crime?" He asked. "Definitely." I said and Natalie found herself a boyfriend. We walked onto the dance floor. The door came crashing down, of course Ashley and Toby walked in making out like wtf?! I sighed and facepalmed. "Nevermind them Maci." He focused on me and we danced to the song Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab. Nicole stood on her table, "LISTEN HERE PEOPLE!!"

Everyone stared, "I WOULD LIKE SOPHIA, NATALIE, JANE, JANA, AND ANGEL TO COME UP HERE!!!" She shouted and we all facepalmed.

We- well I jumped onto the table the other climbed onto the table. "Sophia has a song dedicated to Toby." She said as everyone stared at Toby. "If You Can't Hang." I said and I smirked.

The DJ played the song and I sang along.

I met a boy at 17 thought he meant the world to me so I gave him everything he turned out to be a cheat
Said he'd been thinkin for a long time and that he found somebody new I've been thinking that this whole time
But I never thought you'd stay!!!! That's okay!!!
I know she takes his filthy heart and uses it in some way!!!
Before you go there's one thing you wanna know!!!
If you can't hang then there's the door baby
If you can't hang then there's the door baby
If you can't hang then there's the door baby
If you can't hang then THERES THE DOOR!!!
Iiiiiiiiiiii don't wanna waste your precious time.

- After singing -

I jumped off the table and Maci high fived me, "DJ PUT ON KICK ME!!!" I shouted and the song came on. Maci and I danced along. "KICK ME WHEN IM DOWN!!!"

My eyes turned gold

- Vision -
I saw two guys walking with Raven and Jeff's bodies, they threw them in their van and drove off to a cliff. They were knocked out cold and they had gotten thrown off a cliff. They hit sharp rocks and died. We were late to save them, it happened in exactly an hour from now.

- Vision Over -
"Maci, my friends are in trouble I'll be right back okay?" I kissed him before getting the girls, "Raven and Jeff are in trouble!!! I had a vision." We all ran out and we dragged Nicole with us "MACI'S IN CHARGE!!" She shouted and we went to our dorms. I wiped off my makeup and changed into my fighting clothes and kept my necklace and ring on. "You ready?" I asked Natalie. "Ready" we all came out and we ran out.

"They're in the forest they got out of school." We all ran to them and we saw them knock them both out. We ganged up on the two guys and killed them, we brought the two inside the mansion and told them what happened. It only took 30 min so we went back and changed into our dresses and I didn't bother doing my makeup and thank god my hair was still curled. We all ran back into the party and we didn't have blood all over us. I saw Maci in a corner and I ran over to him, I still had my ring so nobody better have hurt him, "Babe are you alright?!" I asked him. He was bruised and cut.

"They did it." He said in a hoarse voice. He pointed to the crowd, "WHY THE FUCK IS MACI BRUISED AND CUT UP!!!" I shouted and everyone froze. They all started stuttering. "IF NOBODY CONFESSES THEN YOULL ALL HAVE HELL TO PAY!!!" I said as my eyes went from brown to gray.

"It was all of us." Toby said. "Why?!" I shouted, "Because you weren't here and we were all mad and pissed at you." Ashley said. "One, why were you pissed at me? And two, you're all still gonna die." I said innocently, "We were mad at you because of who you are." Jack said.

"That doesn't mean you take it out on Maci!" I said. "You've all made a horrible decision. So now, you gotta play my game. The game of life." I said explaining it. They all were scared, "Maci, Jane, Jana, Natalie, Angel and I will be the spectators. If you make one wrong move, you're killed. You'll have a grotesque death by one of us." I said pulling out a dagger.

- Game Time -
Everyone was in their positions, "They'll regret ever hurting anyone." I said as Maci hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Thanks." He said. (Since I'm to lazy to write the game scene let's just say not many lived)

- After Game -
Sophia's POV
After that we all went to our dorms and I showered and did all my night routine. I fell asleep knowing how I watched everyone Suffer.......

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