#12: What if I told you...

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It's an honor to stand in the same court with you

Metropolitan Sports Center- Inter High

Yana and Inari sat in the front bleachers. "Why is Sayuri sitting on the bench?!", she burned in anger. "Calm down, Inari-san. What's important is that she's here", Yana hugged her. The lady's anger is being absorbed by Yana's warmth. A blonde wearing a disguise sat next to them and so with a grumpy-looking upperclassman. "Who are these people?", Inari furrowed her brow. "They're schoolmates", Yana was startled to see Kise watching this closely. She usually sees him near the exit talking to other basketball players from other schools. 

The game started. The female Division for Inter-High starts earlier. "They're against last year's top three", Inari recalled. "Did you play against them?", Yana asked. "Yes. They're an offensive team so a bad match for Kaijo. Unless they put someone who scores aggressively, they might have a chance", Inari looked at Sayuri who has a calm face. "Her calmness irritates me", she commented. "You're a player as well?", Kasamatsu finds her face familiar. "I'm from Ichiyama tech", she informed. "Last years' champion", Yana said proudly. "That's amazing. Why aren't you playing now?", Kise joined the conversation. There was a silence. Kasamatsu slapped Kise's head. "I was injured. That was my last game, the championship. I don't regret it", she smiled. 


"This is getting bad. We're barely catching with the scores", Erina looked at the scoreboard. They asked for a timeout. 

They're good in scoring inside and outside. 

Focusing on defense and trying to score is quite taxing. 

We already made use of all our sub and nothing seemed working

"The game is still starting", Fumiko said without smiling. The rest of the team felt the tension and stopped whining. During the second half, they were able to gain 5 points ahead. "The Captain has an amazing control. Although, everyone seems to be exhausted at this point", Erina noticed. Just like Kasamatsu, Fumiko is the captain and point guard. 

Locker Room

"Hana-chan, are you alright?", one of the players asked. She grabbed the air and shouted. "Yosh! We're now in the second half. Let's get out ticket for the final four", she said. Fumiko slapped her back and said nothing. Her face suddenly softened. 

"Aika, you're panting a lot during the second quarter. Are you alright?", she asked. "What are you saying? They're the best of four last year so it's normal to be sweating and planting this much", she looked back and forced a smile. They heard a knock on the door. "We're here to deliver some lemons", Erina said with a bored tone as she entered with Sayuri. 

"You don't need two to deliver the lemons", Hana laughed. "Senpai, you're the one capable of catching with the score. Captain, Hana-senpai got hurt during the rebound", Sayuri informed. "Your brat", Hana bit her lip. "Is that true?", Fumiko grabbed on Hana's hand and she winced. She lets go immediately. "What did we say about injuries? You should tell me ahead of time so you won't be pushing yourself beyond limit", the captain lectured. "I'm the only one who can score now. You're all busy defending so who will be doing threes?", Hana's frustration got her and raised her voice. 

One of the players was about to slap her. "Don't use that tone with your captain", Akane, the center,  was stopped by Fumiko by getting in between. "I have an upperclassman who got her shoulder dislocated and pushed until the end of the game. She can no longer play in official games", Sayuri suddenly butted in. "Then, what are we suppose to do?", Hana clenched her fist. Sayuri grabbed on her hand and showed bandage. "I can do something about it but you have to be honest once it starts getting painful", she looked at Fumiko who nodded. 


"Why did Sai go with Saotome as well?", Yana was curious. "Your friend is very kind so she wouldn't take advantage of someone's injury to play", Inari noticed Hana's unstable threes. 


Kaijo was able to maintain a 3 digit gap but Hana dropped the ball before the third quarter ends. They subbed her out and another third year player entered the game. She sat next to Sayuri. "Thanks", she covered her face. "That was a good game, senpai", Sayuri commented. Erina stood as she sees their score getting left behind. "Why can't they sub you in? It's frustrating to admit but you're the one needed for this game to be saved", Erina closed her eyes. 

Sai, you're a very kind child. I am worried that you wouldn't be able to say what you really want. 

"I want to help save the game", she also stood seeing the ball headed towards their area and saw Fumiko trying to save it. She caught it and passed it to Akane. Sayuri pushed the back of her captain. Fumiko is conflicted ever since Sayuri joined. She knew right away that she has the talent and attitude for the sport. If she is to break the rule, she'd be seen as a coward. "Aika, I don't recall us agreeing to uphold to the tradition of Kaijo. When you became the captain, you just wanted to carry this team further. What do you think is the most important thing now?", Hana asked while her head bowing. Fumiko continued running towards the court. 

The fourth quarter begins and Kaijo is 8 points behind their opponent. No one is talking at there is a thick atmosphere of tension. "What are you thinking right now, Aika?", Hana looked at the scoreboard. "I still want to play with this team", she answered. "Don't you get depressed. We'll win this game so that you can have your redemption", Akane slapped the back of Hana's head. "Be confident in us for just a little. You're hurting our pride", another player chuckled. "I am not saying that I doubt you, and that I doubt this team. Aika, I want to remind you that Nijimura is also part of this team", Hana said before the referee blows his whistle. 

Kaijo is gaining score but is still struggling to catch up. "What are they doing?! So much for pride", she clicked her tongue. "Why aren't you saying anything?!! This is the time I'll beg you to say what's on your mind", Erina shook Sayuri. 

Fumiko saw Erina shaking Sayuri on the side but the lady remained unfazed. It seemed that timed moved slow and saw that everyone is doing their outmost ability. They already exhausted their strength and their strategy. She was happy that everyone did their best. 

"Sayuri, go stand on the side", Hana saw Fumiko smiling and looking at her.

"Member change". 

Fumiko fetched Sayuri and gave the ball. "Have your fill. Don't mind us being older, you can give us orders", she smiled. The game continued. Everyone in the court was amazed at how the tables were turned. Kaijo won. 


Inari stood and clapped. Yana kept on shouting Sayuri's name. Kise joined in cheering. "I knew it. She's a good point guard", Kasamatsu commented. "Inari-san, are you crying?", Yana noticed her not moving a lot. "Shut up", she said while holding back the sound of her tears. "You're such a baby, Inari-san", Yana chuckled. 

Chapter end. 

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