#7:What if I told you...

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Your actions are telling me something

Kaijo High


Yana was watching a third-year upperclassman asking Sayuri to go out with him. If not for Kise, he could be the school's prince. She wonders if her friend will agree. The upperclassman has good grades and is also an outstanding student. 

"I noticed you've been looking at me when we're at the library. You must be shy to tell me about your feelings. I know a lot of ladies are after me so you might be scared that they will bite you in the back. Don't worry. If you go out with me, you won't have to worry about them", the upperclassman smiled. Sayuri looked at the tree in the corner. I was actually looking at the leaves of this tree. If I look at the book too much, I'll ruin my eyes so I need to see something green. He must be seated somewhere near the window. "You must be shocked that I called you here. You're quite tall compared to your classmates. Plus, I like shy girls like you", he stepped closer. Sayuri bent down to pick something, hiding it behind her. 

"Did you drop something? Here, let me hel-", the upperclassman stopped as soon as Sayuri stood right away. "That was fast", he chuckled. "Are you intimidated with me? Unlike that bubbly banana, I'm more matured. He goes around flexing being a model and the ace of the basketball team. Who cares about that? He lost in the last practice game with a school who is not even a powerhouse for basketball. How laughable. Girls like you wouldn't even bat an eye for goofy idiots like him, right? What a carefree person", the third year student continued roasting Kise. 

"I don't want to go out with you and I don't like you, Senpai", she said straightforwardly making the upperclassman lose his balance. He gave a short laugh not believing what he heard. "You don't have to deny. Let's make it easier for the both of us", he stepped closer. "Also, Kise-kun isn't that carefree as you think of him", Sayuri recalled him not wanting to get wet because he has an upcoming game. "So you are also a fan of that idiot. Good luck trying to chase around someone who can't even stick with one girl", the upperclassman grabbed on Sayuri's wrist. "But I won't let this go. You lied about not liking me and you're protecting another guy. Allow me to discipline you", the upperclassman raised Sayuri's chin. "How pitiful, Senpai. You do have high spec but low confidence on yourself. Even the most unpopular guy in the school knows how to respect a ladies decision. If you still don't understand what I've been saying. I'll tell you in the simplest way possible", Sayuri pushed him away. "Get lost. You're not my type", she said with a calm yet chilling voice. The upperclassman felt chills and clicked his tongue. He went away cursing the lady. 

"Phew~ I thought you were really going to hit him with that rock", Kise sighed. He was hiding behind the wall. If he pushed further, I don't have any choice but to knock him off.  Sayuri threw the rock on the side. "That was intense. Get lost. You're not my type", Kise repeated. "Sai!", Yana panted as she reached down the stairs. She was dead worried from the time the upperclassman grabbed her wrist. "Were you watching?", Kise asked. "I have to. With that calm face, you don't know what's her next move. The last time someone was so pushy, he got nosebleed from Sai's punch. I was just behind her but wasn't able to see what's coming since she didn't look annoyed or mad", Yana narrated. 

After class


Yana insisted for Sayuri to stay with her so they can go home together. After turning down the upperclassman, Yana was worried that some girls will retaliate and take it against her. "Behave and just eat this watermelon seeds", Yana handed a big bag of watermelon seeds. "What is she? A hamster?", Kasamatsu passed by. 

The practice game started and Yana was recording the vertical jump of the players. Sayuri noticed a good coordination from the group. The captain is also the point guard having him gain all the respect to guide the flow of the game. Everyone is doing their best to polish their skills. Though they are not smiling all the time, they seem to be having fun. The ball rolled on the floor headed to Sayuri. She didn't mind picking it. "Nijimura, mind passing me the ball?", Kasamatsu slapped Kise's head since he was entertaining some girls while the ball is not on play.

"Katsu-senpai. Is the captain for girl's volleyball strict?", Sayuri asked. "Not really. She's all smile", Kasamatsu walked closer seeing that the girl doesn't have an intention of passing the ball. "Are you close to her, Katsu-senpai?", she asked again. "We're in the same class but not that close", he answered and was about to pick the ball but Sayuri took it. "I'm not good with my words so I don't know how to ask if she would allow me to play in their team", she looked at the basket. A while ago, an upperclassman was mad because he didn't get what I was trying to say. When I tried to simplify it, he was even madder. 

"If you want to learn how to play basketball, then you can just go and attend their training", Kasamatsu opened his palm asking for the ball. Sayuri bent then jumped releasing the ball. The ball entered the basket and the players' eyes widened. "That was quick. As soon as captain was about to take the ball, she jumped and released it", Kobori sounded like a commentator. "That was amazing, Sa-cchi", Kise was also surprised. "I see. You don't need to learn about it. You wanted to play. I'll see what I can do", Kasamatsu smiled. "Areh~ Senpai is going to talk to another girl? That's interesting to watch", Kise chuckled. 

"Thanks. Katsu-senpai", Sayuri bowed low. "By the way, my name is Kasamatsu", the captain corrected. "She knows. Sorry Captain, she doesn't like lengthy names since it requires her to talk more", Yana scratched her nape. Kasamatsu looked at Sayuri. Just how lazy are you to talk. "Then, why don't you call him captain as well if you like a shorter way to address him?", Kise suggested. "Yukio is shorter", Sayuri said what's on her mind. Everyone was startled and Kasamatsu flinched as well. It's been a while since he heard his first name from a woman. 

"Sorry Captain. I don't think she meant it differently", Yana bowed low. "Get back to your posts. We're not yet done with the practice", Kasamatsu scolded everyone. "Look at him getting embarrassed", Kise gave a thumbs up to Sayuri. 

Chapter end. 

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