#2: What If I told you...

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I don't like him. 

Kaijo High

Class 1-1

"Nice to meet you, I am Yanari Touka. 16 years old and from Osaka. I hope to get along well with everyone", Yanari introduced me. Though she practiced a lot, the sight of stylish hair and make-up made her a little nervous. 

"You may take your seat next to Nijimura". 

Yanari winked at the lady as she takes her seat. "You did great", Sayuri commended. "Eih? Nijimura-san just talked?!", one of the nearby classmates commented. "Sai is my best friend. It's a good think we're in the same class", the blonde smiled and male students were celebrating to have a beautiful transfer student. 

"If that's the case, maybe we'll get to hear more of Nijimura's voice. She's been the mysterious student since the start of the class. The only time we heard her voice was during the opening ceremony. The one who was supposed to give the oath was absent due to flu. Since she was the nearest to the principal, they handed her the script". 

"It's been three weeks and she still haven't spoken unless the teachers asks her to". 

Yanari smiled and looked at her friend. People had always been intimidated with Sayuri's silence and they misunderstood it as her way of shoving them off. Seeing the students trying to break their way on Sayuri assures her. 

There are also bunch of nice people in the city. How childish of me to think that this place is a scary place to live. 

Lunch break at the Cafeteria

The two were able to grab a seat. Kaiji's maintains a high quality in their facilities. It is spacious and neat. "You are the two transferees", two boys approached us. 

This is going to be bad.

 Sayuri ignored them and drank her mango juice. "Touka-chan, we can offer you a tour after you take your lunch. You can ask Nijimura-san to join us", they tried to persuade the newcomer. No one can really directly speak with Sayuri without using Yana as their passage. The black haired lady got that "dare speak to me and, you'll die" aura around her. "Thank you for your kindness but Sai and I can handle it", Yana managed to tell them. They smiled and scratched the back of their head. "I woke up late, that's why Im not in a good mood", Sayuri explained. "I understand", Yana patted her shoulders and we ate their food. 

After a while, the place was filled with squealing about something. Yana was curious so she  stood up and watched the scenario. "A model who entered high school", Sayuri said in a bored tone. The new face want to know more so she  tip toed to see a blonde with ear piercing on the left ear. He looked at her direction and smiled. The lady sank on her seat and looked at Sayuri who was calmly reading some message on her phone. "Lucky you. You're like a chameleon, you easily blend in", Yanari pouted. "Of course. I was told that a nail that sticks too much gets hammer down", the other lady answered still ignoring the commotion.

Yana went at the restroom and bumped on someone along the corridor. She felt some scary aura surrounding us. "Uh...sorry...I didn't...", she looked up and saw that tall blondie a while ago. "A new student?", he asked. The lady tilted her head and looked behind him. A lot of girls are looking scary and prepared to jump at her if she makes the wrong move. "You have a lot of fans there. I was told that you are a model. How I wish I could also carry myself the way you do", Yana commented. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kise Ryouta. Hope you enjoy your school year", he smiled and seems like Yana's eyes are gonna go blind because of the light he is emitting.

After Class
Yana ran towards Sayuri who was already at the lockers. She took out her shoes and wore it. She looked at the blonde with her "what do you want to do next?" look. "Can we join clubs?", Yana asked. Her eyes widened as she continues to fix her shoes. "What club would you like?" Sayuri asked. "I don't know. Maybe basketball club would be good", the blonde suggested. "Because of that blondie?", Sayuri asked with her eyes piercing to Yana's soul. "Geez, you really know everything", Yana ran to the lethargic mushroom and pinched her cheeks.

The two are heading home when they noticed a familiar figure in front of them.  "Kise-kun?", she  called out his name. Sayuri sighed as she was late in shutting her friend's mouth. He looked back and saw them. "Ah.~the one a while ago. Sorry I wasn't able to ask your name", he apologized and plastered a smile. "Name...ah..ah..Yana...Yanari Tou..ka", she introduced stuttering. "Yana-cchi, is your house the same direction as mine?", Kise asked. Before she could even nod, Sayuri grabbed on Yana's cheek. Her poker expression says, 'finish this out already or I'll tell him you like him' threat. "Yes and we're going. Bye", she bowed. "And the one beside you?", Kise asked. "She's my best friend, Sayuri Nijimura", Yana said proudly. "Nijimura? I think I heard that name before", Kise hummed. Yukio kicked him and scolded about hitting ladies on the road. 

The two went home and Sayuri took care of the flowers she bought yesterday. Alstoemerai, a flower of friendship. Yana might have not known since she was complaining why I was so obsessed of it. 

The Next Day

Class 1-1

Guh. Those airhead are here to target Yana again. I wish I could shove them off but Yana will yell at me.

Sayuri decided to keep her cool and just watched how smooth Yana talks with them while standing next to the door.  They look very happy conversing with her. Yana's voice is warm and lively. Some girls destroyed the silence by squealing over some blondie. 

First impression, I don't like him. 

Second impression when I noticed Yana sank on her seat upon seeing him, I confirm that I don't like him. 

Not that I want Yana for myself but a person like that famous blondie is reckless and insensitive. That will hurt Yana's feeling. 

Sayuri had been thinking about what her friend asked her yesterday. 

"Can we join some club?"

I knew she would suggest basketball club.  On the way going home, we met them. Yana was really nervous so I saved her by giving her that look. Whatever Yana's choice will be, I will be there to support her but when worst comes I might be the one who will ask her to give up

Chapter end. 

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