"Yeah, he's a friend. I'll call him later, I've got work to do now." Hoseok nodded before leaving the older to start his work. Yoongi stared at his computer screen as it loaded, wondering what Namjoon could possibly want.

Yoongi wouldn't have left for lunch but Hoseok had forced him, literally pulling him from his chair and dragging him out of the building in front of all his co-workers. They went down to a burger place that was nearby ― one of Hoseok's favourite places. They'd been there that often that the waiters only had to say 'the usual?' and their orders would be placed. The place was quiet that day, so their lunch was quickly brought to them. They dug in, eating in silence as they focussed on filling their bellies.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Hoseok asked after they'd both eaten their fill. Both were hesitant to get up, neither wanting to go back to work. The older shrugged, folding the napkin on his plate.

"Calling Namjoon, finding out what he wants, and then sleeping."

"That sounds like a good plan. I was thinking of seeing a movie tonight though..."

"Are you asking if I want to come?" Hoseok nodded. "Well, if whatever Namjoon wants doesn't take too long, I'll come. What time?"

"I think that horror one has a screening at six-ten. Want to see that?"

"Sure, I don't mind. Are you sure you'll be able to handle it though?" Yoongi smiled as he teased his friend.

"I'll have your hand to hold then I'm sure I'll be fine."

"What makes you think I want to hold your clammy hand? It's like holding a zombie's hand ― holding your hand would probably scare me more than the movie."

"Yeah, well... Anyway, meet you at the cinema at six?"

"If everything goes to plan, sure." The pair got up, walking over to pay for their meals. They took their time walking back, not in any rush to return to work.

"Namjoon?" Yoongi asked when the other end picked up. He could hear yells in the background, making him already grow worried about what sort of mess his old friend had gotten himself into.

"Yoongi! I was beginning to think you weren't going to call me back." There was more shouting ― Yoongi could recognise Namjoon's assistant's voice as he practically screamed abuse at whatever was causing the ruckus. "Look, a problem's come up―"

"Just for something new." Yoongi interrupted, a small smile on his lips. "When are you going to call me up for a friendly meet-up? It's always because you've got yourself in some trouble you can't get out of."

"Okay, I promise the next time I call won't be because of some big problem. But I really need your help; I can't trust anyone else with this."

The older male sighed. "Alright, what is it?"

"I need you to take care of one of the creatures."

When Yoongi walked hesitantly through Namjoon's small research centre, he began to wonder what he'd gotten himself into. In the distance, he could hear Namjoon and Jimin shouting as well as some other screams and yells, and as he looked around he noticed several areas the creature had ransacked. Namjoon hadn't explained much of what had happened as Yoongi made his way over; all he'd said was that the creature was proving to be more hassle than it was worth and the alternative was terminating it. The older male didn't like this option and naturally quickly agreed to take it into his care, even though he had none of the facilities to take care of something.

SAFE HAVEN, yoonkookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum