Part 9

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     Harper watched as Blue packed clothes into her duffel bag. It had been a while since Harper had seen her bedroom. She had forgotten how girly it looked. The bedding was a mint, white and black zigzag pattern with black dots speckled all over. There were grey and mint throw pillows laying against the wall and a large white chest sitting at the foot of the bed. A small rectangular mint and white rug lay under her small white desk and chair.
"Your room is pretty girly."
"And?" Blue asked, opening her dresser drawer.
"I don't know. It just doesn't seem like it fits you."
"I could say the same for your room."
Harper stood up from the bed, "What can I say. I like pink."
The doorbell rang throughout the apartment as Blue zipped up her bag.
"Is that him?"
"Probably not." she flung the bag strap over her shoulder. "He would've text me."
     Walking out of her room and into the living room, they saw a Gio and GG sitting on the couch. GG's bag sat next to her.
"I'm surprised you used the front door." Blue commented, walking over and setting her bag down by the love seat.
"I felt like switching it up." she smiled. "So, Gio was telling me that he's not allowed to go with us. How come?"
Blue sighed, sitting down on the armrest. "He's too small and will get lost in all the crowds. Someone could accidentally step on him. I don't want to be worrying about it."
Gio pouted.
     Suddenly, the doorbell rang again. Blue started to get up but was interrupted when someone pushed her onto the couch.
"It's for me!" Nixon announced, his hooves clicking on the linoleum floor in front of the door.
He opened the front door made a load horse noise of approval.
     Blue continued to lay face up on the couch as her legs hung off the armrest. She debated whether to get up and beat Nixon with a bat or to just lay there. She decided on the latter. It was easier that way. For starters, she wouldn't have to get up.
     Nixon brought his friend over to the living room. "Blue, Gio, you guys remember my pal Benny."
"How could I forget.." Blue pretended to gag.
"Ah, come on!" he crossed his arms. "Our kiss wasn't that bad!"
GG and Harper's eyes widened, "What!? You kissed him!?"
"Yeah, we were little." she sat up. "Us and a few other kids were taking surfing lessons a couple beaches down from here. After, we had a bonfire and some girl decided we should play truth or dare. I chose dare, because I'm cool like that, and they told me to kiss Benny. I didn't want to because he was a childhood friend but they said I had to so I did. Then some girl started making fun of us, asking how I could kiss a goat and that goats are gross, so I kicked her in the face."
"She was a badass kid." Benny chuckled, looking into a wall mirror and fixing the tan hair around his small horns.
GG turned to her, "I didn't know you surfed."
"Benny and I use to surf all the time. I love it."
"It's the one other thing she loves besides dirty magazines." He bleated, pulling one out from a rack.
She rolled her eyes. "Says the guy that got me into them."
"He created the Blue we see today." Nixon shook his head.
"Whatever man." he skimmed the magazine. "At least she'd go sneak into the strip clubs with me."
"Forgive me for not being stupid enough to follow you around. I wasn't going to risk getting caught."
"It was worth it." Benny smiled.
"So worth it." Blue fist bumped him.
     A chime rang out, causing Blue to check her phone. She stood up and grabbed her bag, "He's just around the corner. Let's wait outside."
GG and Harper grabbed their bags as Nixon slapped Benny on the back. "We should get going too."
"Gotta move another piano?" Gio asked.
"Yep. We'll be gone for a week or so."
"I'll see you later, Blue." Benny called out before he and Nixon walked out the door.
She could hear their hoove steps as they walked into the parking lot.
Blue turned to Gio, "We'll only be gone for a couple days so you should have plenty to eat."
"It's going to be hard to sleep if you're not in the bed." He whimpered.
She knelt down and rubbed behind his ears. "It'll be okay. Just call me if you get lonely."
He wagged his tail.
     Walking out of the apartment, the girls noticed a white car parked in front of them. TJ sat inside, popping open the trunk. They walked over as he stepped out.
"Hey, Blue." he hugged her before turning to her friends. "It's nice to meet-" He froze. "What are you doing here!?"
Harper smiled. "I'm Blue's friend. Don't you remember? Blue and I were best friends in high school."
"Really? I don't remember you hanging around her."
"I met you senior year. Harper transferred out halfway through the year. That's probably why you didn't know."
He nodded.
"Why were you so shocked to see her?" GG asked.
"She' doesn't matter." he rubbed the back of his neck. "We should get going."
The girls place their bags into the trunk and shut it closed. Blue headed around to sit in the passengers side when she noticed TJ holding open the door. "Very gentlemanly of you."
"I try." He smiled.
Blue sat inside as TJ closed the door and walked to the other side. He slid into the drivers seat and fastened his seatbelt. Driving out of the parking lot he continued down the street.
"We haven't hung out in a while." Blue commented.
"Yeah. I miss this." He looked into his rearview mirror and noticed Harper staring back. He quickly looked ahead again.


     On the sidewalk, Ridge walked on. He noticed a white car driving by and stared. Was that Blue in the car? Who was that dragon guy driving? He couldn't see anyone in the back because of the tinted windows.
     His heart started to ache as he watched the taillights disappear down the street. Why was she alone with that guy? Was he the reason they got into the fight? Did she like him? Maybe they were dating.
     He leaned against a building wall and closed his eyes. He had to get her back somehow. Or should he just let her go? Just wait for her?
"Are you upset about your girl?"
Ridge's eyes flung open to a familiar face, "What are you doing here?"
"Heading to The Community. More recruiting." He smiled.
Ridge stayed quiet.
"I can help you get her back."
"What? How?"
"I know where she's going. I'll take you."
Ridge eyed him. "How do I know I can trust you? No one even knows your name."
"You want to know my name?" He leaned in.
"It's Aiden."

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