“Well, what are you doing on the couch sleepy head?” she teased.

 “I fell asleep.” I smiled.

 This was the first time in a long time that I saw my mother, and I was happy to see her. It took me a long time to finally realize that she did love me… But I shut her out, because I was mad at her for leaving my real father. My mother didn’t look a lot like me, she had long blonde hair that was tied up in a hair clip, she wore heels a lot, and she usually didn’t wear a lot of makeup, usually just eye liner. She had gray eyes like me; she was also tall and skinny like me. We didn’t really share any traits though, except for our love for Ben and Jerry’s. She was a nice person, she loved giving, and she worked an awful lot.

She sat down next to me on the couch and pushed my bangs out of my eyes.

“Are your brothers upstairs?” she questioned.

 I sat up straight quickly remembering what they were doing the last time I saw them. “Uh, I don’t really know I think they went out.”

 “And they left you??” she questioned.

 “I guess so, I was asleep either way.” I laughed.

 “Well we should go out and eat something!” she shouted.

 “Uhm okay what?”  

 “Hmm, how about we go too… Olive Garden!?”

 “Sure…” I sighed.

 “Is something wrong?” she questioned.

  “Naw lets just leave…” I muttered. She placed a hand on my head and smoothed out my hair.

 When we arrived at Olive Garden, we had to wait atleast an hour, maybe an hour and a half. Gosh I hate waiting, but alas patience is a virtue. While we were there, I saw a kid from my school. His name is Duncan. I’ve seen him around before, he’s quite a looker. A lot of the girls like him, but he doesn’t live with family. His parents died when he was a kid, and he lives with his aunt and his older sister.  Quite a sad story, but he seems to be doing just fine. I tried to start a conversation with him, but he kinda pushed me away. I assumed he didn’t like me, so I left him alone. 

 We took our seats finally, and Duncan sat in the booth right behind ours. That night was fun; I never really did much with my mother, so it was a change for me. We finally left, it was late and I was tired.  My mom had drunken a few too many glasses of wine if you ask me, and she was acting a little tipsy. I asked her not to drive, but she claimed she was fine. So I let her… but boy was I stupid.

 We were so close. So close to home. Why did it have to happen in that moment? I could even see the back of our house… it only took 5 seconds.

1, the light turned red

2, my mother didn’t seem to see it she drove further.

3, a person drove forward, this man was trying to drive to the hospital to see his new born baby boy.

4, my mother and him didn’t see each other.

5, collision.

Both of the cars were going full speed. And the car hit me. it struck right in the passenger side. The door pinned me to my seat. The air bag struck my chest hard. I could feel and hear the snapping of my ribs. I let out a loud cry, feeling the warm blood falling from my fore head. It had all happened so fast. The pain knocked me out. All I could remember was screaming, the feeling of warm blood, the sounds of sirens, and a tear fall from my eye. Gio, why weren’t you there for me?

I woke up, staring at the ceiling. 5 doctors hovering over me.  I didn’t want to be alive. Not being with Gio, I knew he loved Cam now, and I couldn’t stand it. Tears fell from my eyes as I let out a sharp piercing scream. I looked down and my whole chest was ripped open. I could see my heart pounding faster and faster until all I heard was a sharp never ending beep and me passing out.

Kiss ME! {BoyxBoy} on holdWhere stories live. Discover now