Chapter 6: Ginny Weasley

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Hermione woke up to find the blond wizard still sleeping beside her, her eyes roam at every lines of his face... And a sudden realization made her wonder, she never had a nightmare this night and this was the first time. It's been ages since she had enough sleep, usually she would wake up in the middle of the night, panting and gasping for air, sometimes everything was burning as if five crucios were consecutively thrown to her. The worst thing happened was when she found herself holding a cutter and slicing open the scar on her arm..

She pulled her sleeve and stared at the fresh wound that spelled MUDBLOOD, the mark that carved by Bellatrix Lestrange. Everytime she remembered the name, she felt a struck of fear and anxiety. The crazy witch is still alive, she was thrown in Azkaban in the most high security cell. But there were times that she's afraid that Bellatrix might escape again, that she might look for her and finish her off.

Hermione clutched the blanket tightly in her hand, "Don't you dare cry Granger." Draco's cold voice came, the silver globe in his irises were resting at her hazel ones.

"I... I won't.."

"Yes you are," Draco flipped the sheet away from his body and lift himself up. Hermione turned her gaze away from the pale exposed body of the man. Draco picked up his pants and chuckled at Hermione's reaction.

"Haven't seen a naked man in front of you, don't you?" He mocked.

"W-what?.. Shut up Malfoy, don't leave this room unless I told you okay? You stupid arsehole, why in the name of Merlin you didn't apparate last night?" Hermione asked, Draco zipped his pants and put on his jumper.

"I told you, I'm not usually as obedient as you thought." He walked toward his trunk and get another box, he picked two phials. "Now, after you ate, drink this potions and don't you dare skip or you might have another nightmare for the next coming weeks."

Hermione raised her brow, the potions and medications are really working.. That's why she felt a bit lighter and peaceful last night. She get the phials and slipped them on her pocket. "Thanks." She jumped off the bed and tie her hair in a messy ponytail.

"Mind if you bring me some food up here? I can't risk summoning again... Saint fucking Potter might bumped with a levitating bowl of porridge." Draco sat at the armchair by the window.

Hermione swear under her breath, how could she forget to bring some food to him. Even though she hate him for every fiber of his being, he still helped her to cope up with her health.. And just last night save her for another torture.

"Oh.. Yes I will." She grabbed her wand and exited through the doorway. She cast a silencing and locking charm before heading downstairs. She's on the mid step when she heard a familiar a voice.

"Mum is very busy, listing a plenty of foods to add, changing the colors of the tables and decorations, she even offered her old wedding dress to Angelina! George asked me if he could stay here too but of course I decline. Hermione can't handle too many visitors aren't she?.. Where is she by the way?" Hermione took the final step of the stairs finally getting the attention of the three.

"Hermione!!" Ginny shoot up from her seat and walked toward here to embrace her tightly. "Oh Merlin! How are you?"

Hermione can't help to feel conscious around Ginny, the red haired witch grew another inch, her body seems to have more curves from the past year. She's really stunning with her sleek red hair.. While here she is, still the old frizzy haired tired looking Hermione Granger.

"I-I'm fine.." She managed to say as Ginny pulled away guiding her toward the nearby couch.

"Morning mione." Harry greeted her, Ron waved his wand to pour another cup of tea for her.

Fragile | D.M Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora