Climbing Mountains and Taking Selfies Are Not A Good Mix//Newt

Start from the beginning

She breathes a sigh of relief, "It's not broken."

Newt lets out a gush of air and finger-combs his scraggly hair back as he kneels in front of you, "Sprained?"

"Yes, badly though." Brenda replies as Newt helps you up, swinging your arm over his shoulder as he snakes his around your waist. "I can drive her home and come back later."

Before Newt probably agrees you interrupt, "How about you ask her sinceshe's right here?" You look between the two of them before going on, "Look, if it's just sprained then I'm fine. Let's just keep going."

"You're not going to continue if you're injured, Y/N. I won't allow it." Newt says sternly.

"Since when did you become the boss of me, Newt? Besides, I don't want to spoil everyone's time, especially Brenda's! If she's the one who has to take me home she won't be able to hike up the mountain by herself when she gets back, she's never been to our site before." You argue, there's no way you'll spoil Brenda's mood, besides, Thomas would never forgive you.

"I'm sure she would rather leave than-

"Newton!" You say, and this draws his attention. You only ever use this name when you're being serious. You flash your eyes at him as if you both can communicate with the looks you give. You try to tell him about how Thomas planned this whole trip for Brenda, after a moment he remembers.

"Uh, sorry." He shakes his head before looking over at Brenda, "You go on. I can take Y/N home."

"You brought your car?" Brenda asks.

"Yeah." Newt nods.

Brenda looks from you to Newt, and then back again. "Oh alright. Newt, you better drive safely and Y/N, if he does any weird klunk please call me straight away."

"Weird klunk?" You question, slightly amused.

"Oh who knows, he's probably got a whole stack of weed in his trunk or something." Brenda says as you all walk up the side again; laughing. Once you reach the top, Brenda explains the situation and everyone says their goodbyes.

"Newt can probably come back up tomorrow." You suggest.

"Nah, can't leave you by yourself." Newt nudges your side, "We'll have a movie marathon or something."

You roll your eyes but you're glad to know that Newt does care about you. "How am I getting back down?"

"On my back." Newt says, so you climb onto his back and immediately apologise for being heavy. "Pfft, you're nothing compared to the other shanks."

You walk for about five minutes until Newt complains, "Stop squeezing your thighs so tightly, I'm not going to let you fall."

"Sorry!" You shout worriedly and loosen your grip. After about another five minutes, you grow bored of taking continuous pictures of the trees or the sky, even all the selfies. So you lean your chin onto Newt's shoulder.

You feel sleep tug at your eyelids, so you close them. With all the nature chirping and slithering, crackling and whistling you casually fall asleep. When your head droops into sleep, your lips touch the skin of Newt's neck and an alarm rings in your mind so before you know it, you're awake again. Your head picks back up at you mutter a sleepy sorry.

"Did you fall asleep on me?" He says with an amused voice. But before you can answer, you fall asleep again.


You wake up on a couch, but it's not your couch. It's Newt's. You know it because of the clean apartment smell and all the white and cream coloured furniture, you do remember Newt saying that he had his own apartment some time before. You yawn loudly and your eyes flicker up to the TV in front you, it plays some kind of reality TV show. You hate reality TV shows.

"Y/N?" Newt calls from the kitchen you expect, since not long after your name is called you hear chopping of vegetables and sizzling of meat.

"Yo?" You call out and immediately he comes into vision.

He grins down at you, "Nice hair."

You wave him off and pat down your bedhead, "Slim it." He takes a seat on your couch, causally pushing your splayed legs over to the side.

"Fancy some curry for dinner?" You noticed he changed out of his hiking gear and is now wearing a old band-shirt from his emo phase, you stifle a giggle.

"Yes please," you say as your stomach grumbles loudly. You grin.

He laughs, "Oh and, I thought I should tell you that you are an amazingsleeper." You sense a level of sarcasm in his voice and you sigh.

"What did I do?" You suddenly hope you didn't say anything weird in your sleep.

"Well, once I lifted you into the backseat I saw a nice, long string of saliva hang out of your mouth; then I felt the rest on my neck." You feel mortified as your cheeks blush red with embarrassment.

"I am... I didn't know I dribble in my sleep?" You've never had problems waking up to a pool of drool on your pillow before, so why now?

"Maybe I'm just that attractive that even in your sleeping-state you couldn't help but drool over me."


You both laugh and collect a good serving of Newt's special curry, which actually tastes pretty good. The meat is so tender it almost melts in your mouth but you have to have a side of yoghurt since the spices almost burn your tongue.

In the end, you do have a movie marathon. After piling all the pillows and blankets in the house on the couch in front of the TV, you fill your movie marathon time with various horror movies but also really cheesy chick-flicks. Especially rom-coms. You find that Newt especially likes the rom-coms which you find adorable.

As the movies lead into the night you start to feel drowsy and soon you fall asleep against Newt, and he against you. It may have been the best sleep you've had yet.

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