You're Totally Whipped, There's No Denying It//Newt

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Oh hell.


"I heard what you did today." Newt says sternly, his head slightly tilted. "Gally's right, you shouldn't be fooling around like that."

You let out a groan, "So this is why you took me away from the others?" You fake a disappointed look, "Thought you wanted to make out or something."

Newt blinks in surprise, "Excuse me?"

"Aw, don't tease me..." You say slyly, closing in on him.

His face flushes red with embarrassment and he shakes his head, "You're a shank, you know that?"

You give him a small wink before strutting away, back to your seat on the new picnic table Gally only just finished creating. You continue eating when suddenly, and idea pops into your mind. You look up at Thomas and Minho and then causally start to distract them by pointing to things around the Glade or asking questions about the Maze.

They seem so engrossed that they don't even notice you casually swapping around parts of their meals. You take Minho's carrots and plop yours on his. Then you switch Thomas' and Minho's steak and then throw Minho's former steak, that would have been on Thomas' plate, underneath the picnic table and take all of Thomas' mash potato and plunk it on top of Minho's. Then you add your potato too. In the end, it becomes a colourful mess, people loose vegetables, gain half eaten meat that doesn't belong to them and Minho has to put up with a mountain of potato, covered in Newt's corn that you managed to snatch.

Once you're finished talking, you stare down at your steak. That's the only bit left that you consider eating; so you take a bite and watch everyone's reaction. Minho raises an eyebrow at his potato and Thomas searches for his steak. Newt only gives his attention to you and shakes his head; he already knows who the culprit is.

You give him an overly-sweet smile and hope for the best.

But it doesn't turn out too well, Newt sneaks you off away from the crowd again and tries his hardest to be firm with you. "I really wanted to eat that corn, you know."

"Oh, I'm sure you did."

He sighs and scratches the back of his head, "I'm going to have to go tell Alby, you realise."

Your eyes widen, "What!?" This is outrageous, Newt never betrays you like this. "No you don't, it was just a harmless prank!"

"Yeah but the way you're going..." He shakes his head and then says, "Y/N, you could hurt someone. And if you hurt someone... Alby will banish you. Never harm another Glader; remember?"

"Like I said," You say sternly, "They're harmless pranks." You lean your head against Newt's chest and feel the speedy thump of his heart against your forehead. "Don't leave me to fend for myself from Alby, Newt." You whisper the last bit softly.

He sighs again, "Alright, fine. I won't tell Alby." You lifts your chin with his rough-skinned hands and you look up into his loving brown eyes. "But I can't stop Minho or Thomas from telling."

You slap away his hand and walk away, irritatingly furious. Why doesn't anyone understand that you're only trying to have a bit of fun?


You're on your way to Newt's room to apologise for your behaviour earlier, if you want him on your side then slapping away his hands is not the way to go. There's still time to win him back, besides; he's right. He's not very good at persuading other people to not tell. It's not like he'll willingly flirt with them when he knows it could end badly by either creeping them out or gaining an unwanted admirer. You pass Alby's room and immediately stop as soon as you hear Newt's voice ring from within.

"She's just having a bit of fun..." He says.

"Well, it's not so funny to the other Gladers. You know what she did to Gally this morning? And poor Garret?" You can only imagine Alby shaking his head in disappointment.

"Well... yeah."

"And you're still on her side?" Alby questions. Oh please Newt, don't break now!

"I'm sitting in the middle with this one." You knew you should have apologised sooner. Maybe you have to upgrade your flirting skills...

"Look, she only listens to you so-

Newt casually interrupts, "She's scared of you, though." Your hands start to tremble and you scrunch up your face in anger, Newt just told Alby your biggest weakness! Betrayer!

"Yeah, she may be scared of me but that's not enough. She looks up to you, she respects you. If you let her know that you're disappointed in her then she might actually think about what she's doing." Little did Alby know that this plan will definitely not work on you now that you know every single detail.

"And if that doesn't work?"

"Punish her. Make her do something really awful, like being a Slopper for a month or two." Alby says and then continues, "Just get her stop. It's really buggin' everyone out. Including me."

You sprint down the stairs as soon as you hear the floorboards creak from inside Alby's room. And not long after exiting the Homestead; Newt follows. As soon as he spots you he gestures you to go over to him and you sigh, guess you'll have to work some incredible magic to stop him from making you a Slopper. Or worse, actually feel bad for what you did.

"Y/N... Alby had a little chat with me."

"Oh?" You ask, purposely sounding surprised.

"Look, I know I keep succumbing to your little flirtatious ways but I really am disappointed in you. You should be working to help us get out of here instead of wasting your time and everyone else's time with your little tricks and such." You start to wonder if he really feels that way, would he? Something tugs at your heart... and you panic. There's no way you could feel guilty. No way.

You chuckle and step in close, "So... if this plan of trying to guilt trip me doesn't work, what's your plan B?"

Newt blinks back in surprise, "To punish you."

You smirk up at him, grazing your fingers over his tough, muscly arms. "Sounds kinky."

"Uh." He fumbles as he tries to step back, but he only crashes into the wall behind him. He chuckles nervously as his dart from your eyes to your lips; his cheeks redden. You find it extremely cute.

Your fingers move from his arms to his chest, your hand slowly climbs up it. "Does Newt think Y/N's been a naughty girl?"

"Y/N..." He says, but it only just manages to croak out.

Your hand stays flat against his chest and you feel his heart race as you gingerly press your lips on a corner of his mouth and leave a trail of kisses down the side of his face, along his jaw and then sneakily into the crook of his neck. He sighs with pleasure at each and every one of them.

Once you decide that you're finished, you take a step back. His eyes linger closed for a moment. "See you here tomorrow night?" You ask with a wink before you walk in the other direction. You head over to your room and you catch a few words from Alby along the way; something about Newt being totally whipped.

Two things came out of today: One, you didn't get threatened to become a Slopper; nor did you succumb to the guilt he tried to press on you. And two, you think Newt and yourself will become more than a one-time thing.

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