They all sat in the seats I saw them in when I first entered the room about five hours ago and Niall took a seat next to the girl, taking her hand in his. He finally noticed me staring at him. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing" I mumbled. Looking away, but not before taking a glance at Niall's and the girl's hands intertwined in each others. A little pain in my chest came when I saw Niall looking down at their hands smiling. I leaned back in my chair.

"So" Liam started, breaking off the silence. "I am Liam, this is Zayn, Louis, Harry and Niall" He continued pointing to each of them as he said their names. "You must be Ariana" He asked her as she nodded her head. "That is Mandy" He stated, pointing to the bitch sitting on the bed. "And I never got your name." He finished off, looking at me.

I looked around at everybody, Ariana's face had worry while the rest had confusion. My eyes stopped at Liam last and I just turned my head the other way and shake it, making a notion that I'm not saying it.

I heard him sigh as he said "okay" in a very confused tone. We sat their in an awkward silence nobody knowing what to say after what just happened until someone decided to speak up.

"Well I'm hungry. So I'm going to get something to eat. You want anything to eat babe?" Niall said, standing up and looking at Mandy.

"I'm fine, thank you." Niall looked kind of mad that she didn't say yes, she has to be hungry, maybe she just doesn't want to eat.

"Does anyone else want something or want to come." He turned around to face all of us.

The rest of the boys all got up and mumbled something along the lines of 'I'll come' and they all left, leaving the three of us girls just sitting here in another awkward silence.

"So" Mandy spoke up "How come you didn't say your name? Everybody else had theirs said" She asked softly.

"I just don't" I retorted, not in the mood to share secrets with complete strangers.

"So how are you and Niall related?" Ariana interjected, thank you Ariana!

"We're dating, I'm his girlfriend" She said simply.

"You're his what!?" I spit out in shock.

"I'm his girlfriend" She said slower than the last time, eyeing my cautiously.

"No reason, just, a little bit of a shock" I shrugged it off, kind of shocked myself with how I reacted. I don't care, I have Brad anyway.

"Shouldnt you have known anyway? It's plastered everywhere" She said back, still a little cautious.

"No" I answered, getting defensive "I don't like One Direction or whatever it is, so I try not to pay attention to anything that has to do with them.

"Oh" She said, in almost a whisper "Well" She continued, looking up "I'm going to go to the bathroom" And with that, Mandy got up and walked into the bathroom.

I turned back around and looked at Ariana who was staring at me. "Can you come sit next to me?" She asked, patting the spot next to her on the bed.

"Are you sure? You just woke up from the accident and I don't want you getting hurt. You-"

"I'll be fine. Just please" She said with those puppy dog eyes that she knows I can't resist.

I got up off the chair and slid in the bed next to her, wincing the whole time. I was afraid I was going to hurt her.

After getting settled in the bed they provided with the blanket up, Ariana snuggled into my side. I just layed there with my eyes still closed, I'm used to her doing this. She used to do this all the time when we had movie nights and such. It made her more comfortable.

"Demi" She whispered softly. I opened my eyes and looked down to see her staring back up at me.

"Yeah, Ari" I whispered back, smiling a little. She was so adorable like this, so innocently cute.

"Um, can I- um, nevermind" She started, but looks like she changed her mind in the middle of her sentence.

"Tell me" I persisted some "You know you can tell me anything, I'm your best friend! Are you afraid I'll get mad at you or something? Because I'll never be mad at you"

"You would never get mad at me" She asked hopefully

"Never ever"

"Okay, well um"

"Go on, it's ok"

"Can Try something?" She said, her voice getting softer as she went on. I had to lean in closer to hear her, but I did.

I eyed her wearily. What did she want? "Sure" I dragged out, kind of nervous now.

"Okay, close your eyes" She said, her voice a little louder, not so embarassed as before.

I closed my eyes and waited, I felt the bed shift underneath me some until I felt her knees touching mine. We were both facing each other.

Feeling the bed dip some more by my knees, I started to get nervous even more. What was she doing? Especially that made her so embarrassed.

My eyes opened up in shock when I felt something on my lips, but I couldn't pull away. I saw Ariana right in front of me with her eyes closed.

Ariana was kissing me.

I was there frozen in shock as she pulled away. She looked up at me and her face went from worry, to sad.

"Are you okay Demz? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I knew it. You're upset with me and won't want to be my best friend anymore and-" I stopped her putting my hand over her mouth.

I waited a moment before I spoke, trying to think of what to say to make her feel better. I'm still in shock myself from what she just did. "I told you" I started off. "I'm not mad. I wouldn't be mad and I'm not"

"You're really not?" When she said that, her face lit up like a christmas tree.

"I'm not"

"Yay!" She squealed loudly. She jumped up from her spot and gave me a hug. I started to laugh when she let go. "Can we just forget this little action ever happened and continue on with our lives?"

"Sure" I let out a little giggle "Now get some sleep, for me?"

"Fine" She huffed out "But can you lay with me again? Please?"

"Of course" We got back in the spots where we were before and Ariana snuggled back up into my side.

I closed my eyes and listened to the soft sound of Ariana breathing.

When it finally steadied out and she fell asleep. I let myself drift off into a peaceful dreamland with her.

This moment was the best moment of the past few days, nothing could bring my mood down.


AN: YOUR WELCOME :P I didn't leave you with a cliff hanger this time. And everything is happy in the world right now.

~I'm sick in bed so I decided to finish this up for you guys. I'm sorry its really late. It was supposed to be up yesterday but I was hanging out with my best friend. But. HERE IT IS!

~PLEASE vote


~All feedback is appreciated whether good or bad

~And maybe even fan? If you want to... -Love you<3

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