Even though I hated Archer with passion I had to admit that one thing I was jealous of was how happy he and Hannah looked. The way they held hands without even realising it. Jade and I didn't have that. Lately we've been going through some shit and I just couldn't see it working out. I felt like I was forcing myself into this relationship. The way Hannah looked at Luke, I wanted Hannah to look at me that— I meant Jade! I want Jade to look at me— Who am I kidding?

Hannah's P.O.V.

I walked through the stares, hand interlocked with Luke's. I scanned the people looking for Kyle, and my eye caught his on the other end of the corridor. I smiled at him as he returned the favour with the wave of his hand.

Luke's muscles tensed as he realised what was going on and he pulled on my hand dragging me outside.

"Luke! What are you doing?" I asked trying to snatch my hand. "Luke!"

"Hannah I'm trying. I'm trying so hard." He sighed, letting my hand go.

"What are you talking—?"

"Dealing with you and Kyle. I'm trying to ignore the fact that you're getting closer and closer each day. But I'm running out of patience.  It's so hard to watch." He explained, all his feelings draining out.

"Luke, I'm sorry."

"Then stop being his friend."

"I'm not his friend!  We're purely two people who are neighbours and are on friendly terms but not actual friends. I don't want to be his friend." I told Luke taking his hands.



"Luke, you're special to me. I'm with you. And I plan for it to stay that way. You have nothing to worry about. I promise." I cupped his face and kissed him. The kiss turned passionate in seconds until it was broken up by the clearing of the throat by my form tutor.

I felt my cheeks turn crimson as I rushed to my class.


The day had gone past smoothly even though the rain made the atmosphere at school absolutely shit.

As I organised my locker I felt a presence that made my heart skip.

"Hello princess."

"Kyle." I smiled.

"I need to talk to you." He muttered.

"You are?" I looked at him confused. 

He rolled his eyes. "A serious talk."

"Kyle just get to the point." I piled my books but that took too much space so I took them out and positioned them lining up again.

"You can't be seeing Archer."

I sighed as his words left his mouth. "Kyle, I am not having this conversation with you."

"I'm serious! You're so blind you can't see it but everyone else can. He's a bad guy "Kyle warned.

"I'm not a five year old and you're not my dad. Stop speaking to me like that." I ordered.

"I'm sorry. I can just see it." He pushed. "He'll hurt you. He's not a good guy."

"Oh and you are?" I raised an eyebrow.


I breathed in deeply. "I don't get involved in your relationship, so don't get involved in mine." 

"I'm just trying to look out for you."

"Speaking of though, you need to sort your shit out with your girlfriend! She had a go at me yesterday for you not loving her." I told him. "I'll give you a warning too though, I'd be careful cos I'm 99.9% sure she's PMSing."

Kyle grimaced. "What did she do?"

"Just screamed. God she's over protective!" 

"That'll be you one day." He winked.

I scoffed. "You wish."

"Sooner or later you're going to fall for me."

"You forgot the 'never' option." I smiled falsely.

He chuckled. "That isn't an option."

"You sure?"

"Positive." He looked at me, a smirk plastered onto his face.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to prove you wrong." I smiled politely before closing my locker and walking away. 

"Whatever it is, it's not going to work Princess!" He called after me and I could picture his crooked smirk.


A/N: Yo guys! OMG I'm nearly at 300 reads! No big deal for some of you but for me it is!! Hahah! I'd really appreciate more votes! PLEASE VOTE! LOVE YOU XXX

Hannah's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/carefree/set?id=97848784

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