Chapter 28

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Things might be twisted in this chapter, so be prepared.

Things to look out for
Y/N- your name
P/N- pet name
F/H- favourite hairstyle

F/C- favourite cereal

Your POV
It was the very next morning, the sun cracking through the curtains. I sat up and stretched, P/N ran to my room and started barking and jumped on my bed. I lightly smiled and petted the little head of the little fluff ball, I pulled off the covers and stood on my feet.

I walked to the bathroom and my uniform was hanged on a hanger, as I put of my uniform I fixed my hair into a F/H and the piece of hair in front of my face stayed there. I walked out and sat on the kitchen table, I grabbed F/C and poured it in a bowl and added milk into it.

As I was eating, P/N paw steps were starching on the floor and went to the dog bed, P/N started eating her kibble and hearing licking, I decided to do something nice for Gene, since he does things for me. It was early in the morning which gives me time.

I heard rustling and music being turned up, I kinda got into the mood and moving side to side.

Everybody gets high sometimes, you know
What else can we do when we're feeling low?
So take a deep breath and let it go
You shouldn't be drowning on your own

And if you feel you're sinking,
I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you
And although time may take us into different places
I will still be patient with you
And I hope you know

I won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight
I won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight

Cause we all get lost sometimes, you know?
It's how we learn and how we grow
And I wanna lay with you 'til I'm old
You shouldn't be fighting on your own

And if you feel you're sinking,
I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you
And although time may take us into different places
I will still be patient with you
And I hope you know

I won't let go (I won't let go, no, no, no, no, no, no)
I'll be your lifeline tonight
I won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight

Come on, come on
Save me from my rocking boat
I just want to stay afloat
I'm all alone
And I hope, I hope
Someone's gonna take me home
Somewhere I can rest my soul
I need to know

You won't let go (I won't let go, no, no, no, no, no, no)
I'll be your lifeline tonight
You won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight

I won't let go
I won't let go

As the sing finished I was done with my baking treat, chocolates, I put them in a small container and a small little gift box. I did everything else before I put my bag on and walked out the house, the sun was shining on my face and my body my shadow below me. As I got to the school, the bengals rung just in time.

You went to your first class.

English again, we had a small assignment. We had to work in partners and had to make a biography about a famous history that's where history comes, it's was my next class. Anyway when we had to do partners I looked around and saw. Aaron was my only choice, I slowly got out of my seat and walked to his and taped him on the shoulder.

You- w-w-would it be o-okay if I w-work with you
Aaron- whatever

My face brightened a bit and sat next to a free space next to him.

Teacher- okay, everyone has a partner. If you go to your history class the teacher will tell you some ideas of a famous person to do a biography on.

( actually I'm supposed to be writing a biography to about the famous author, Ronald Dahl )

We all have a response, and left class. I had history right after this, I walked in and saw the history teacher at the front.

Teacher- good morning students, if most of you went to your English and literacy class, you have been set an assignment on writing a biography about a famous history person, now I have some on the board that you can search on or you can do your own.

I had a really deep think, and thought of ( your choice ) and agreed to it, now I just have to tell Aaron about my idea and see if he agrees. When we had a little history class and got dismissed, when the bell rang for recess, I went to look for Gene. As I was walking through the school, I saw Gene with his friends and I walked to him with the small gift behind my back.

Gene- what do you need now

He answered in a really mean tone.

You- w-what's w-wrong Gene?!
Gene- everything and it started with you!
You- I-I don't u-understand
Gene- of course you don't!
You- * starts tearing up * w-what d-did I d-do?!

I shoved the small gift box to his chest and ran off.

Gene's POV
Zenix and Sasha looked at me shocked.

Gene- what?
Zenix- are you stupid or something
Sasha- did you know what you just did?!
Gene- what. OMI

I looked down and saw a small tiny box with ribbon, I pulled it and took out what was in it. There was a piece of paper.

Dear Gene,
Thank you so much for taking care of me!
From your kitten, Y/N

I looked inside and saw chocolates she made, my eyes soften as I realised what I did.

Gene- what have I done?


Dun, dun, dun!! What happened back there.
Hey everybody ( song reference!! ) I came back with another chapter.
If you read my last post we have almost reached it 900 followers.
Thank you so, so much!
Author~chan out

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