Chapter 2

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Things to look out for
Y/N- your name
A/N- aunts name

A few days later

Aunt- here and you button up your blazer.
You- oh, okay
Aunt- you must have a good impression on your first day, I'll do you hair

As I looked at the mirror aunt A/N and brushing my hair, I started reading a book that she gave to me. A novel I don't really read books like this, as I looked at myself my hair was in bun and the same hair falls on my face.

Aunt- same as your mother
You- so when do we go?
Aunt- in a few minutes okay, stay here I'll just have to check on James and Sam

She went out the door and it became silent, I looked at the brochure aunt A/N gave to me another the school I was going to.

You- Phoenix Drop High

I tested the words my lips, it looked really colour and the students look happy. I didn't really have any friends when I was younger because of all the shyness I wouldn't go near the girls my age. As I heard footsteps in the room I heard a rattle of keys to.

Aunt- come on Y/N were going
You- okay

I stood up and fixed my ' shirt.' Why wear these to school, where I come from we got to wear dresses!
I didn't complain and I put on my new school shoes, I walked outside and aunt A/N gave me a school bag that has the logo of Phoenix Drop. I put of on my shoulders and walked to the car, as I place it beside me Sam and James put their bags in the boot of the car.

James- so what did you do in the country side?
You- * whispers * w-well, I got to ride the horses and sheer sheep
Sam- wow!

As we were driving they were on their phones, heard noises form it.

Aunt- can't what for high school?
You- w-what if I can't fit i-n
Aunt- I'm sure you will Y/N
You- are we there yet?
Aunt- we are here but I have to park somewhere
You- okay

As she was parking I saw students waking and talking to each other, as she stop I walked out of the car and closed the door I looked at the building in front of me.

Aunt- Y/N come on we have to see the principal first
You- o-okay

As we were walking I felt eyes on me, I stayed close to aunt A/N I heard small laughs and smirks. As we came to a door she gave me a look of knock the door, I have to three knocks and the door opened.

Principal- oh come in

As we came in it was a really fancy room and kinda weird.

Principal- excuse the things the actual principle is on holiday. Hello my name I'd Donna and welcome to Phoenix Drop high, I bet you'll like it here
You- * whispers * o-okay
Aunt- oh she is the shy type
Principal- I can see, we kind of have shy types here
You- s-so what d-do I have now?
Principal- I will have a Turk guide with you GARROTH!
Garroth- yes?
Principal- this is a new student um..- Y/N yes, and she needs a tour around the school
Garroth- okay, come one Y/N
You- o-okay
Principal- oh and Garroth
Garroth- yes
Principal- she a shy type, so show her slowly, I need to talk with her aunt right now
Garroth- okay, come on little Y/N

As we were walking he was only talking and I would give a light nod, as Garroth was talking I saw three people looking my way the person in the middle scares me the most with his deep brown hair and dark blue eyes she was smirking and I hid behind Garroth.

Garroth- what's wrong sweetheart- oh them
You- w-w-who are they?!
Garroth- they call themselves the ' shadow Knights ' better stay away from them
You- okay

As we came into the principals office, I got handed me my classes, she guide me to the classroom I was in.
Home room
As she opened the door all eyes were on me.

Principal- sorry to disturb but we have a new student in this home room
Teacher- that's okay

As it was almost time to get into classes we went through the corridors I felt a deep presence then I heard voices. It was dark so I couldn't see their faces but their eyes.

???- oh, I think she's lost
???- a cute one to
You- mep!
???- aw! She so scared

Then I started whimpering as they circled around me then I felt a hand grab my wrist and pulled into a chest.

???- oh I can feel her breathing with fear

I felt his other hand going down my back, his dark blue eyes full with darkness, and I felt a squeeze on my butt. I griped onto his blazer and fisting it I was squeezing my eyes in pain.

You- p-please st-op
???- aw how cute

I felt him stroked my hair and and pushed me away and letting me fall on the ground.

???- be careful where you walked kitty
You- * whispers and whimpers * o-okay
???- ata girl

As they left I was still on the ground, heard running footsteps.

???- Y/N!
You- * whisper yells * G-Garroth
Garroth- what happen sweetheart?
You- those three people you were talking about
Garroth- oh, it's okay sweetheart it's just you accidentally walked into the property of the shadow Knights
You- aren't you supposed to be in class?
Garroth I need to go to the bathroom. But you need to go to you class now
You- can you take m-me?

As I was watching the girl and Garroth walked away.

Him- what's that girls name?
???- Y/N

Him- she's mine

It took a long time writing this chapter, anyway hope you enjoys having your butt gripped 😈
Author~chan out

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