Chapter 24

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OMI what?!
Kid1 and kid2- hehehe!
Me- is there something on my face?
Kid1- yeah you!
Sorry I'm confused, that's how I got this chapter for this.

There is nothing to look out for this chapter.

Your POV
I was walking to me house from school, as I was walking I felt an arm around my waist.

Gene- kitten you have to help me!
You- w-what d-do you m-mean?!
Gene- are you good with kids?
You- I-I don't k-know
Gene- are you good with three?
You- I d-don't k-know
Gene- well come quick

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his house. When I got there he knocked on the door, Gene's mom answered the door.

Gene's mom- oh Gene you're here, look you need to look after your three cousins
Gene- yeah don't worry I have company
You- h-hi
Gene's mom- sorry I need to go, I'm going out
Gene- okay be home quick

He got in the house and saw two kids and one baby, as we got in the kids started running around and trashed the place while the baby started crying. Me and Gene started to panic, I tried to get the baby to calm down while Gene was trying to get the to the hold of the two kids, the kept pushing chairs and knock down stuff. They even knock down a photo like how?

I had a tiny idea I got my hands under the baby arms and lifted her up, I lifted her up in the sky and she did a ting giggle, and having drool coming out of her mouth, I brought her to my fave and did a raspberry. She started laughing and the two kids got held by Gene.

Gene- this is why- oh hey you got the baby to get under control, I'm still trying to get on these kids
You- m-maybe they c-can watch t-t.v?
Gene- good idea kitten!

He got the kids in the t.v room while I put the baby in the high chair, there was things on the counter. I picked one up and looked at it

Mashed potatoes

I opened the glass jar and called out to Gene.

You- G-Gene!
Gene- what is it kitten?
You- w-where are y-your spoons?
Gene- top drawer near you

I checked the first drawer and took the tiny teaspoon, the baby's arms were flapping like a bird, I took a ting scoop and out it near the baby's month. She pushes it away and it got on my face, she started laughing and I tried again. She opened her mouth and I placed it in her mouth she closed her mouth to chew and she started smiling, I lightly smiled and call for Gene.

Gene- you called kitten?
You- c-can you feed h-her I'll make something for t-he other t-two
Gene- alright

As I went to the kitchen I found a pasta that was in a bag that you just out in the pot and add butter I guess?
( this is how I make it )
I turned on the stove and put in milk mixed with water. Then when it started heating, I added the pasta and some butter, I mixed it until it started raising, when it was finished I heard tiny running feet coming on the kitchen table.

Kid1- I smell something good!
Kid2- it's pasta!

I set down two plates and poured it out, I placed it down at the two of them, I also placed down spoon and forks.

You- c-careful it's h-hot

I walked over to Gene he was covered with mashed potatoes on his face and the little girl smiling and laughing. I grabbed a tissue and wiped his face, I put the tissue in the bin and saw the two kids eating their pasta.

Gene- you did well kitten
You- t-thanks
Gene- you'll be like that when we have children of our own right?
You- * blushes * isn't it t-too early t-to t-talk a-about that?!
Gene- * dugs head in you neck * no it isn't

I heard a faint voice in the back.

Kid1- I'm done!
Kid2- and full!

Gene pulled away and I help the kids.

After when it was turning night time.

We were watching t.v and I was holding the baby and putting it to sleep, I heard sevruga yawns from it until it slowly closed its eyes, I held her closed to me and keeping her warm, I looked at Gene and the two kids were already asleep.
Even I yawned myself.

Gene- are you tried?
You- k-kinda
Gene- go to sleep then
You- b-but-
Gene- kitten your more important now go to sleep
You- okay

Gene set a mattress and laid the kids on it, I did the same to the baby and out it in the middle.

Gene- I'll get you something to change into
You- o-okay

He walked into his room and came back, it was a long t-shirt and girly shorts.

Gene- it's my moms shorts and the shirt is mine, go on change

I walked into their bathroom and changed into the clothes that I was handed, the shirt came just above my knees and you could not see the shorts. As I walked out Gene had a blanket with him he patted a spot, in his body?! I blushed and went to him, he pulled my into him and I got laid on his body. His arms wrapped around my waist and his head was able to go in my neck.

I yawn a little and felt the blanket go on top of me, I could feel Gene's body raise and go back down again, I turned around so my body was laying on him and not my back, I yawned again and fell asleep with my face in Gene's chest.

Gene's POV
We will have a future like this

Kids, they can be annoying and cute at sometime, and sometimes weird at the same time. Anyway that got me to write this chapter cause of kids.

Me- you've such squishy cheeks like Calum
Kid- * in a cute and funny voice * WHAT?!

It was so adorable! Ahem sorry, anyway see you in the next chapter, and sorry if this came a but late.
Author~chan out

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