Chapter 3

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Camila makes her way inside of her home, hiding her emotions to the best of her ability. The fight she had with Austin made her feel like the most awful person in the world for putting him through that. She lays her head back on the front door and takes a large breath in before she can make her presence known to anyone in the household. She heads to her bedroom, wanting to be alone to think things through and make a decision on what to do next.

"Camila, híja." The admiral says, grabbing his daughter's attention. He gets up from the couch he's been sitting on all day, waiting for his daughter to arrive and see if there would be any news concerning her and Austin.

"Papá." Camila replies.

"Austin came back to Miami earlier. He came to see you but I told him you had left for a walk by the beach. Did he find you?" The admiral asks, anxious to hear if he did and if they brought up the talk about the wedding.

Camila nodded, looking down. She doesn't want to look him in the eyes and worry her father that she was crying.

"It looks like you are not excited about seeing your boyfriend again." Alejandro says, cautiously. The admiral sees how Camila changed in attitude when Austin's name was brought up and didn't want to upset his little girl if something had happened between the two.

"I need to talk with you, Papá."

" I need to tell you something too. Come, sit down." He replies, leading her towards the couch.

"Tell me one thing, Camila. Do you really want to get married to that guy?"

She brings her hands up to her face and started massaging her temples. She doesn't want to upset her father if she tells him that she doesn't want to marry Austin. She knows how her mother would react, so why wouldn't her father do the same?

"I'm sorry to insist, but you know that I would have liked you to travel more, see the world, to have a career. That you lived more before you got married."

Camila turns her head quickly when she hears what her father had said. He didn't want her to get married to Austin. That should make her ecstatic, but it doesn't. The admiral says he wants her to live more until she got married, but she already wants to get hitched. Not with Austin, but to Shawn.

"You are too young, I can't help it. To me, you still are my little girl. Mi piqueña, Camilita."

The brunette smiles. She grabs her father's hand and kisses his palm. Camila adores her father. The admiral wad always so amazing and generous towards her. She was always closer to father more than she ever was with her mother.

"I also know your mom influenced you a lot to decide to marry Austin. You can't deny it. Part of you is doing it because you feel pushed by her."

Camila stood still, looking down and playing with her hands. Sinu was the only reason why she had said yes to marry Austin. His family is rich and one of most respected families. Her mother pushed her into getting engaged, hoping it would benefit their family financially.

The Cabellos were wealthy themselves. The Cabello name was very respected. Alejandro is a retired admiral, and Sinu just lives the life of a rich house wife. However, they hit a bump on the road and now are financially unstable, leaving only a few options on what to do to not be in the ruins.

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