Chapter 2

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After a hard day's work, Lauren enters the mansion covered in sweat, fanning herself with her hat, and carrying some items needed for the kitchen. She awkwardly tries to make herself unnoticeable to the woman in black, who sits impatiently waiting to talk to Mike Jauregui. Unluckily for Lauren, they both make direct eye contact. The woman rolls her eyes and continued reading the book she brought along with her, while Lauren quickly makes her way out of the living room.

As she makes her way to the hall, Lauren looks up and makes eye contact with her childhood friend Lucy, who is now making her way towards the living room with a cup of tea for the unwanted guest. They both sigh, knowing the lady is not so "easy-going."

"Good Luck." Lauren mouths from across the room, making a b-line to the kitchen.

"Here is you tea, ma'am. Do you need anything else?" Lucy asks nervously, wiping the sweat from her hands onto her jeans.

"That you leave."

The woman doesn't even acknowledge or look up to see the brunette, but that didn't stop Lucy bolting the second she asked her to go. She's just relieved that she doesn't have to make any conversation with the unpleasant woman. Although, she would of liked to punch her, right then and there.


"Good morning, Lucy. Can you tell Mr. Jauregui that I am here? It's important that he sees me." A man in a suit and briefcase walks in, it is Mr. Jauregui's notary. He is the one in charge of legal formalities and draws Mike's contracts and documents. In this case, it must be about the owner of house's will.

Rob exits out of Mike Jauregui's bedroom, waiting for the arrival of the person who urgently needs to see the ailing man before he passes away. In pleasant surprise, he is already there, asking to see him.

"Sir, please come in." Big Rob makes way for the notary, not even noticing the woman who has been waiting to see Mike.

"Excuse me, but I got here first. And it's very urgent too." The woman gets up immediately on her feet. She is aware that the man is Mike's notary. She has to speak with her lover before any action occurs towards the will.

"Miss, I'm sorry but-" Rob apologizes. He's cut off by the woman who is now making her way towards the owner's bedroom, not caring for whoever is speaking to her. Big rob shrugs it off, knowing he couldn't do anything about it. The woman's a hard-ass. He asks the notary to come with him into Mr. Jauregui's office, so they could both wait to speak to the sick man.

Lauren carefully sneaks her way to the living room after everyone is out of sight. She would be lying if she said she hadn't been eavesdropping. She didn't want to be involved with what was going on around the ranch, but it didn't hurt to hear the details. She makes her way towards Lucy and sees her change in attitude.

"Ugh, you don't know much I hate that old bat! She's thinks she's so high-class but really she's just a selfish bi-."

"Lucy, please." Lauren implores, stopping the brunette from continuing on with that sentence. Lauren loves her best friend, but she had to admit, Lucy has quite the bad mouth and exaggerates in situations; only making it worse for herself.

"It's true, Lauren! She's been the boss's lover for years, and of course, now that he's dying, she came to see what she could get out of his pockets."

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