Part 7- Mad Dapper Ghosts

Start from the beginning

"Oh... I'm sorry... You two were having fun..."

"Phew.. No me, we really weren't, dont worry...

"T..thank you so much for helping me."

"I...I'm Samantha"

"...Um... I'm Napstablook..."

"H..hi Napstablook. Is this y..your house? I like it"

"You... Like my house?

"Yeah." I say with a nod

"...Thank you, Sammi..." He smiled weakly

"Your very w..welcome" I smile shyly

"A..also ....whats in the farm over there?" I ask

"Oh... That's my snail farm...."

"Oh what do you with the snails?" I ask, curiously

"Various things. Some are for racing, but, others are for eating. ...Our biggest customer for eating Snails stopped buying recently, though..."

((I wonder who? You viewers probably know who ;) ))

" sorry to hear that........heh I bet I could ride one of the snails" I smile

He smiles

"You probably could...

...I normally charge ten Gold to race the snails, but...

...I won't charge you anything this time, if you wanna try riding one."

"R..really? T...thanks Napstablook" I smile.

"Lead the way to the noble stead." I giggle

He floats over to what looks like a horse track for snails

I follow behind him."cooool"

"I call it Thunder snail."

"Oooh I like it" I compliment

He smiles, opening the gate for you.


I go in.."hmm...Which one should I ride?"

"The yellow one is our most popular."

"Okay then I will try to ride him."

" does this race work?"

"Simple. First one to the end wins."

" oh okay." I say.

I go through the frnce and to the snail. I pet its head before getting on.

"Try to give your snail some words of encouragement, too."

"Come on buddy you can do it" I say gently and kindly

"Aaaaaaand... Go!"

With that, the snails are off!

...Naturally, they're kinda slow, though. ^^; 

I wait patiently

They've traveled about two inches... Something says you're gonna be here a while...

I still wait

About a half hour later, the snails FINALLY cross the finish line!

"Yay, good job buddy"i say with a smile

All three snails have somehow finished in a three way tie.

"Good job everyone" I say happily

"Wow... That's the first time we've ever had a three way tie."

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