❀; six.

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Jimin's POV | 15 years ago

"Who?" I remember, we walked to the hospital that night. That day, we were so young. We were only 90 years old.

"Father's acquaintance" namjoon said as we stepped into the hospital. Father was busy with his work that night, and he told us to go to the hospital.

"Excuse me, could you tell us in which room mrs. Eugene and mr. Hubert are?" I asked the receptionist. She nodded and started to finding their name in a book.

"They were moved to the morgue an hour ago" she said.

"Can you tell us the way to the morgue?" I asked her.

"Yes, go straight, then turn left, and the morgue is on the left." She explained.

"Thank you" we said as we walked to the morgue.

"I think this is the morgue" namjoon said.

"Excuse me sir, is this the morgue?" I stopped someone, he seems like he works here. He nodded as a reply,

"Can you tell us mrs. Eugene's and mr. Hubert's corpses?" I asked him.

"Oh, yes, please follow me" he said.

"You should hold your breath or close your nose with your hand because this is gonna smell bad" he said as he opened the door.

When the door was opened, the smell is really bad, as what he said before. But it doesn't effect us, vampires. We have seen and smelled things like this. He walked to the corner of the room,

"These are mrs. Eugene's and mr. Hubert's corpses" He said. We walked there. Namjoon opened her winding sheet.

What the hell.

"Seriously? Dad wants us to check whether it's her or not?" I said as i looked at the photo that father gave me.

"What are we supposed to see if her face is burnt like this?" I said. It's not just her face, but her whole body.

"Can you just shut the fuck up and do what father told us" namjoon took the photo from my hand and started to checking.

I sighed. I walked to Mr. Hubert's corpse, and i took a look at his face. I still can see his face, though i can't see it clearly. His body isn't as bad as Mrs. Eugene too. Is this a coincidence or someone did it on purpose?

"Okay let's go" namjoon said.

"So it's her or not?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulder.

"Maybe yes, maybe not" he said. We said thank you to the worker and we get out from the morgue.

Lauren's POV | Present

I was sitting next to Jimin's bed, because I waited for him to wake up. It has been 2 days since that day... I'm worried about him, what if he doesn't wake up? What if he's already dead?

I looked at his hand, his hand is wrapped with a bandage. It's only his hand that injured, but why he hasn't woken up? Why don't they bring him to the hospital? Isn't there any hospital for vampires?

"Get out, it's my turn now." I turned my head and I saw taehyung was standing at the door.

"But, I still have 5 minutes" I said to him.

"But it's my turn now." he deadpanned.

I sighed, he's still as rude as before. I stand up and leave the room. I went downstairs to get myself some water. I saw the boys were sitting at the living room, discussing something that they don't let me to join or to know about it.

I was about to drink my water when someone told me something that I really hope to be happened; Jimin is awake.

I quickly went upstairs, I ran to his room, and I opened the door. And I saw him was talking to Taehyung. I felt like the whole burden on my shoulders is gone, I felt so happy, too happy until I cried.


I'm sorry, VERY SORRY. because i said i'm just going to take a hiatus for several weeks, but i think it's already one month? MAYBE IDK
and sorry for the grammar errors too °^°

btw, thanks for those who wait for me to update this story, im reALLY HAPPY BECAUSE SOMEONE IS WAITING FOR ME TO UPDATe

i really really really really appreciate it
and thanks for all votes and comments and followers iM SO HAPPY

btw this chapter is shorter than the previous chapters because i think the previous chapters are too long, so i made this chapter shorter.
Oh, and i edited chapter one and two because i think the words that i used were so stiff, i mean, Y'ALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN RIGHT so yeah i edited it a little, and you can read it again if you're curious
okay that's all and, thank you!!

.vote,comment,share. (no heart for today HAHA bcs my old phone is broken)

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