❀; two.

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"What are you doing?!" I quickly covered my body with a towel.

"Calm down, my brother wants you to have this" he said. He was that guy, the rude guy. He's holding a pudding.

"I can go downstairs and get it by myself!" I said.

"I just do what my brother want me to do" he said.

"How did you get in? I'm 100% sure i locked my door!" I said.

"You don't need to know that" he put the pudding on the table and left.

Sheesh, he is really rude.

I looked at the pudding. He didn't bring me a spoon. How am i supposed to eat it? It's just the same, because i need to go downstairs too. I wear my clothes before I went out from my room, and go downstairs to get myself a spoon.

Wait, where's the kitchen?

I want to ask someone but i can't find anyone.

"Follow me, i want go to the kitchen too." suddenly someone spoke behind me. I turned my head, a short guy with pale skin and black hair was standing there.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.

He chuckled.

"Hah, you still don't remember our name? I'm yoongi" he said.

"Ah, I remember you" I followed him to the kitchen.

"Here" he said as he handed me a spoon.

"Thanks, but how did you know that i want to go to the kitchen?" I asked.

"Just a hunch" he shurgged.

"Go back to your room and eat your pudding" he said. How did he know? Was he the one who asked that rude guy?

"It's taehyung, not a rude guy. And I know because I'm genius." he said. He can read my mind? This family is really something.


"Lauren,wake up dinner is ready" someone knocked my door when i was sleeping.

"I'll go downstairs in 5 minutes" i said. I reluctantly opened my eyes.

When i arrived at the kitchen, all of the boys already there.

"Enjoy your food" jin said as he gave me the food.

"I'm sorry because I didn't help you" I said, as he replied with a smile.

All of us started to eat, no one speak when we were eating. They really eat like nobles, their posture, how they eat, everything is just so elegant.

After we finished our food, some of them go upstairs, while I and the others help jin to clean the table.

"Lauren, tomorrow you're going to school with us" jin said.

"But my old school-" he cutted my words,

"Your father already took care for that" he said while he was washing the dishes.

After we finished cleaning the table and wash the dishes, I went to my room.

"The one with red hair is jimin, the rude guy is taehyung, black hair is yoongi, pink hair... nam? namjoon?" I was trying to memorize their names, when someone knocked my door,

"Can i get in?" I stood up and opened the door for him.

"I want to give you your uniform" he gave me the uniform he was holding.

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