Suicidal Tendencies

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A dark storm in a sunny sky,
The more you think, the more you wish to die.
Lethargic shark in a quick river,
Keep moving forward or you're six feet under.
Black vultures swirling in the cloud;
They stalk you because they know you're going down.
Soldiers yearning just to win a fight,
You've already lost, crowing into flight.
Your battle is done,
Your demons have won.
The will to strive is forced out.
You remain a dark cloud in this sad bout.
Give in.
Don't win.
Blood drips down in streams.
Nothing is ever as it seems.
A blade is shining in the night;
Your numb to the dull feel of fright.
The fear that formerly encased you,
Is long won out by the aching desire to end you.
Just like that, it's finally over.
Your dreams are gone, beaten.
Your will has fled,
You are numbed.
With a final breath for the world to keep,
Your life fades away in eternal sleep.

~M.L. Topinka

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