Amateur Poet

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An amateur poet,
Set in the darkness.
His outlandish quotes,
Read and forgotten.
No one cares,
He is simply a child.
A child with deep thoughts.
Thoughts that are impenetrable.
No one can break through.
They don't understand.
They read his poetry!
Why don't they get it!?
It's literally just a cry for help.
But no.
They don't see it.
They read his work and think,
"Wow, that's a nice poem."
Then they move on.
They don't help him.
They don't hear his cry.
He's trapped in his own vision.
His own ethereal darkness.
But they don't see it.
They don't save him.
He is but an amateur.
There's no way he could actually know.
He doesn't understand what he writes.
Oh, but he does.
He understands this eternal dark.
More than anyone.
He may be an amateur,
But no one knows the darkness he faces.
No one knows what agony he feels.
For he is just an amateur poet.
Nothing more.
~M.L. Topinka

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