Chapter 36

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Niall's POV

People are running around all over , setting up the props and camera's as I and Harry stand beside the Mr.Scott , the writer discussing the scene. There are four scenes we have to shoot in four days of time and this is the first one to begin with . We are in a field , grasslands all around us at the otuskirts of the town almost an hour's drive from our hotel. The scene would be shoot in two parts and we are just getting ready for the first part.

Drive to the set that is here, was drowsy as I was sleeping most of the way on Harry which I think has become my regular spot after last night and today morning. Morning the first thing I saw as my eyes opened was Harry's swallow tattoo's and as I was about to trace my fingers on them a loud knock and yell "Time to get up" jerked us both up, Harry from the sleep and me from my unrequited desires.

It was Julie who had oppointed a boy to do this for us as he kept on knocking till Harry opned the door and made him faint

Can't blame him as a shirtless Harry only in his loose boxers was the sight anyone would die from and I was already losing my breathe. Speaking of which when the hell did he went from sweats to boxers ?

Anyways , I watched Harry going through his lines . He looks so good in those tight jeans of his and a loose grey top with a beanie. He carry out's any outfit looking sexy and I cant help but drool. I am brought out of my thoughts by a light push at my shoulders.

"Just tell him already." an excited Julie says pushing into me once more and I give her a confused look . what is this woman on about ?

She holds my arm and smirks "oh he is looking right at us ." and now I am just incredibly confused . I look at her with the same expression " Who are you on about Jules ?" she giggles , over- exaturately might I say but I let it go.

"Harry ofcourse , now before you deny I want to say is it is so obvious since day one Niall , that you like him . And you might not notice since you are an oblivious idiot , actually you both are but he might like you too ." she winks and I shake my head smiling at her , she was dead right with me.

"You are wrong Jules , I don't just like him , I love him ...since so long and I - I know him and I assure he doesn't feels the same" I know I am telling something so secretive , something I am begging for Andrew to keep from spilling and practically clashing with my past for it , yet I am telling her . And the only reason I can give for this sudden decision is that she feels safe , spilling to her feels safe , warm and just free in some ways . Because she has become someone dear to me in such a short span of time , trusting me and guiding me through the scenes or just through my emotions. And I might not have a sister like Harry does but if I wanted to -ever have a sister that is , someone to turn up to I will choose Jules .

"Aww Niall, but I have to say lover boy if Harry doesn't have a tinest bit feeling for you then why does he looks like he wants to slap someone and the someone might be me by the looks of his ."

And at that I turn my head towards Harry and yes , his jaw was set in , a small frown on his face and he just rejected a glass of water by his hand not even looking at the person and shoved the script to Amy . And the Harry that I know is the polite, sweetest person in the whole wide world who will never behave the way he just did in two seconds .

A smile forms on my lips at the thought ' maybe he really likes me , like Jules say ...maybe he will love me one day' and the thought alone sends a warm fuzzy in my heart .


After the shoot I and Harry decided to roam the city and do some shopping . We took of with the driver and one bodyguard with us.

Right now we are just leaving the third store we walked into , both of us have three bags in our hands as we walk on the side walks. Till now no one has come up to us for an autograph or a picture /selfie and in a way it feels normal . like we are living a normal life. I express my feelings to Harry about the same and he laughs nodding agreeing with me and a smile form on my lips .

I love spending time with Harry , no Louis , no other boys just us .

"Niall , may I know why you have your phone switched off since we came here?" the question appears from nowhere halting me in my walk . I turn to look at Harry shrugging slightly.

"I guess, I forgot to plug it in yesterday. You were with me ." I remind him pointing at him that I am indeed telling the truth and I did forgot it . But I keep the fact away that I never even thought of plugging it in at first place. That will raise many questions and I will have to answer and I cant , not today and possible ever.

Harry nods taking in my answer and I release a relieved breathe I was holding .

"You did good today ." he says breaking the silence after few minutes and I smile at him "ya ? well you were way better than me Haz , you were natural out their."

He chuckled holding my hand in his and I couldn't help but look at our intertwined fingers . Did he even realized he was holding my hand ? Was Jules right about him ? Does he really might , possibly li- ? my thoughts were halted when he started speaking

" umm... I used to be in school plays sometimes. And I liked it then ." I nodded imagining a little Harry in Caesar's costume on the stage reciting the lines.Why was I imagining him in a Caesar's costume was beyond me but let me tell you he would have looked cute as fuck .

"Oh you would have been so cute Haz." And I couldn't help but blushed at my blurted words. He stared at me smiling , his hands tightening on mine and my heart started to raise like a freaking train.

I giggled again at my imagination catching Harry's attention who looked at me quizzically .

"what are you giggling at ?" making me blush and laugh as I replied " Ah , nothing just little you in Caesar's outfit on stage .. you know reciting lines" and to my surprise he laughed along with me .

We probably looked like two loons on the sidewalk in the middle of the day laughing at nothing .

"you mean Julius Caesar?" and I nodded my head whilst laughing and he laughed loudly at that .

After few seconds as we calmed down I blurted again "I am hungry ." and I wanted to facepalm as Harry began laughing once more dragging me forward "oh I thought you will say that Nialler."

This is the best day ever !



Cute Narry ❤

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i dont have anything to say today


take care ! have a good day !

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