Chapter 8

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Pretty emotional and major feels chapter ahead . 

Narry is strong :)






The ride to our place was in complete silence. Neither me or Harry had dared to speak to each other. Both of us thinking about what all happened today. And me also thinking about what Harry might be thinking. Paul came to pick us up and here we are sitting on the backseat of the black SUV.

I didn't dared to look at Harry once. I didn't want to see a disgusted look on his face. I mean he has to be with me , I bet he wanted Louis. But then he didn't say anything at all. Also It is embarrassing even to sit beside him. I don't want to think about what happened this afternoon. I don't know how I am feeling right now. I am fifty different emotions right now and I am not able to show even one.

We have not talked to each other since we got out and sat in the car. NO, I think last conversation we had was in the room when he came to apologize . Yes, that was the last time. All we shared now is some glances here and there , let me tell you it were not filled with love or adoration. It were all awkward. Yes , awkward , that is the only word for it.

As I sat in the car , my thoughts went to all the possibilities coming from this stunt. To say I was on edge would be an understatement, and the shoot has even started yet. What if people will know or boys will figure out me being gay? God, If they then Harry will not want to act with me! He will ask them to replace me . Oh god!! Everyone will hate me , the media , the fans , friends in this industry , boys . They will stop talking to me , not want me in the band . God !! My career would be over. I have to go home then, if everything falls apart. And that is the last place I want to be. No , that is the place I don't ever want to be.

I am about to burst, my head is spinning with all sorts of maddening thoughts , I want to just open this door and get the hell out. Looking around me , I feel the car is small, too small for my liking.

I want to ask Paul how much time will it take to reach . Better yet I wan to demand to drive fast. But I don't, I cant do that to him and I wont. He is like a father to me and I wont ever raise my voice at him.

I want Harry to speak to me , I want him to talk to me , hug me and tell me that everything is going to be okay. I want him to comfort me the way he always does , the way only he knows how to. I look down in my lap and see my hands shaking lightly , they are not noticeable but they are still shaking.

The car comes to a halt and I look up , we are at the gate . Paul has stopped the car putting codes in the security system. The drive way is small and in few minutes the car reaches to the stairs at the entrance door. As soon as the brakes are slammed , Harry scrambles out like his ass is on fire and goes inside the door slamming his key in.

See, he didn't even want to be near me . He is already behaving as if I am gay . God knows what he will do if he knows I am one.

I sigh and shuffle out of the car thanking Paul , as he had to come on such a short notice. I make my way inside as Harry let the door ajar. I shut the door taking a deep breath before turning only to find Zayn standing at the end of the hallway. I don't have any energy left in me for their interrogation but I know I have to or they will get suspicious. As I near Zayn I gave him a small smile , he opens his arms as I hurried into it.

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now