Storage Spaces

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Having a storage space for stuff such as clothes, books, and other belongings never occurred to Veronica before.  She always trusted various people she knew or the college she graduated from with her belongings.  She never recovered any of those belongings.  It never mattered a lot, and she never gave it a second thought back then.  She really hoped she would get it back and always trusted the various people with her stuff.

This happened when she left Austria and returned to Greece.  Also, when she left Greece for China she left her stuff including her notebooks with Alkimeni who was an affluent adult education student of Veronica for more than two years when she was teaching English as a Second Language at the YWCA.  She thought she would be coming back in a year. 

It took her five years to return.  Then, she contacted Alkimeni, and they had coffee at a popular coffee shop in Constitution Square.  It is the place of various coffee shops where tourists and locals hang out.  Stray dogs also used to sit in front of apartment buildings.  At that time, Veronica heard that the government killed all the wandering cats whose residence had been in the Royal Gardens for ages, to give a good impression to Europeans with their upcoming European Community presidency.

Veronica remembered reading Milan Kundera's books when she was in medical school.  He was a really popular author with her group of philology students she was hanging out with.  At that time, his book, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, was turned into a movie that was playing in the movie theaters.  Sabrina was Veronica's favorite character and so was her lover's too, who was studying psychology at the university.  They used to talk about books and the antipsychiatry movement they were supporting.  Anyway, Kundera described in his books how the communist government would always kill dogs before engaging with other human rights abuses.

  Anyway, Kundera described in his books how the communist government would always kill dogs before engaging with other human rights abuses

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