Dark Isis

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Lucinda took a play writing class. Her professor was recognized and had his plays produced in Taiwan among other places.

They were reading their writings and then there was critique time in front of everyone. Prof. Yellow with the pitfalls of translation evident made a deep impression to Lucy. He was always patient with students' writing.

One of his comments struck a chord with Lucinda. "This was only going to be a motel room relationship," Prof. Huang said. "What a wise statement," Lucinda thought. Many of Lucy's affairs were just that. Dorm room hook ups.  Short encounters in artists'  studios, trains, and other places.  Lucinda never thought of this before.

Lucinda's clients are relocated to motel rooms after the evictions take place. They are given vouchers to motel rooms that stink with smoke and buzz to loud sounds of beds creaking. This happens only if they are lucky so to speak. Only when the city or town halls recognize their need for housing and offer these vouchers to assist.  How many of these women, Lucinda ponders, could be artists like Isis found in dark places?

Lucinda was always able to engage herself with art making ideas while working at some academic places.  She found ways to think about making masks using plaster strips and using models to pose for her for the molds of the faces. 

Lucy had so much fun working on her masks and the designs while making friends. She was fascinated about the use of materials various clients used to make her masks.  Some used jeans; others used paper mache.  Some preferred designs from Beijing opera make up while others mixed cultural traditions from Africa and the diasporas.

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