Chapter 3

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Alondra lies in her bed, staring into the brightening room. She hadn't been able to sleep at all. The loneliness and darkness consuming her dreams, and turning them into nightmares. She lies there, wanting it to stop. She gets off the bed, and looks at the sun behind her thick velvet curtains.

 "Stupid vampires. Stupid hunters." Alondra mutters, and changes out of her pajamas. She grabs a solid colored red dress, putting it on. She grabs a long, thin black sweater, and puts it over her slim arms. She looks through her shoes, and decides to wear her red converse. She looks at her reflection, content before reaching for a black lace umbrella hooked on the closet door.

She looks at her dark room, putting her hood over her head, and heads out of her dorm. She uses her powers, and lets the wind carry her down the stairs. She stands at the doorway, and opens it slowly and carefully. She opens her umbrella and heads out into the morning rays of the sun.

Alondra looks at the guard posted at the gate, he looks up at her, and bows before her.

"Where is our princess going so early in the morning?" He questions with a raspy voice.

"For a walk, is that alright?" She questions him as she tries to look past the hood over his head, but is unable to.

"I don't think that's a good idea. The Headmaster is strict, and so are his prefects when it comes to the interactions between Day Class and Night Class students." He informs her. 

Alondra nods her head, and goes on her way anyway. "I'll be careful and stay away from the humans."

The guard opens the gate for her, and she steps out, standing there until the gate closes. She smiles to herself, the fresh air is a warm welcome to her. It makes her forget her bad nights for a while. The warm sun brings back the nostalgia of her happy past.

The wind blows her hair back as she looks up at the blue and purple sky, showing hints of pink and orange, signaling the rising sun. She sighs, and starts to walk through shaded areas.

She starts to hum along to the sound of her MP3 she had pulled out during her walk. Not being able to hear the chirping birds or the noisy students nearly all the way across from her. She lightly yawns, and changes routes, away from the school building.

A giggle builds itself inside of her as the song changes. She twirls around to the song, and ends up getting her foot caught on something. She falls forward, her umbrella going over the bush she landed near by on.

"Zero." Alondra says rather surprised to see the silver haired teen lying on the grass, she on top of him. He looks at her with his stunned lilac-gray eyes. Her heart starts to pound as she realizes the awkward position they are in, but she's too stunned to move. She blushes brightly, and manages to roll off of him. Now lying beside him as they watch the changing sky.

"What are you doing out here?" Zero questions her, sounding slightly out of breath himself. Alondra keeps her eyes up at the sky watching one or two birds fly overhead. She lightly smiles, and looks at the trees beside her.

"Walking." She answers him simply. He touches her soft cheek, and she jumps, looking over at him.

"Your eyes. They look just like when you  had nightmares." He says stroking his thumb gently under her eye. She gulps, and her face continues to heat up. It's times like this she wishes she were a child, and unsure as to why they would show her affections and such, but now that she's older, she knows what the affectionate touches really mean.

"Why didn't you find me? I thought you died." Alondra says as her expression becomes sorrowful, her eyes shining with oncoming tears. Zero closes his eyes. 

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