Chapter 1

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The sun sets above Cross Academy, a school with three main buildings. The buildings are: The Moon Dorms, the Sun Dorms, and the main school building shared at different times by the Night and Day Class students. A secret is held here, a dark secret that may break what peace has formed in the small academy.

Birds of the day hide in trees to rest and slumber, preparing for a new day, but as the sun sets, it brings forth new creatures. Creatures of darkness, beautiful creatures that can captivate with just a smile. And such beautiful creatures have made their presence known to Cross Academy.

A dark blue vehicle has parked at the front gate, and the chauffeur steps out of the vehicle to speak to the attendant of the gate, and have it opened for the arrival of two new students. The gate is opened as the chauffeur rushes to open the car door.

A tall man steps out first, he is, in appearance at least, seventeen years old. His messy neck length blue hair waves in the gentle breeze coming from Cross Academy. His blue eyes glare at the last remaining chirping birds above him. He wears a black trench coat over a black long sleeve shirt and black dress pants. Silver rings on each of his thumbs glint in the last remaining fragments of light. He sighs before turning back to help out his female companion, but she had already stepped out, and looks around curiously at the academy. A bright smile plastered on her lovely complexion.

"Cross Academy, neh? What a huge place!" She says, her shoulder length brown hair blowing back. She holds her bang back with her black nail polished fingers. The man beside her stares at her before slightly bowing his upper body.

"Shall we go, my lady?" He questions her in a deep and soft tone. It makes him sound professional and distant.

She rolls her reddish-brown eyes at the sign of respect and nods her head. She smirks, and now bows to him.

"Lead the way, Yoru!" He holds in his displeasure at her unlady like behavior.

"My lady, that's not how you should behave in front of someone lower ranking than you." She rolls her eyes again, and turns to walk towards the building. Yoru shakes his head, and doesn't let his temper get the best of him as he uses his long strides to catch up to the much shorter girl.

Her combat boots lightly tap the concrete path as they walk towards the building they were told the Headmaster's office would be at. The young brunette slows down as she lets Yoru lead the way.

"Oh my gosh, they're gorgeous. Are they new Night Class students?" Yoru and his companion hear as they walk through the halls, as they pass by girls and boys still heading out of the school building.

"They look elite, just like them." More students whisper as they ignore the students. The female becoming annoyed with their murmuring.

"My lady, please keep calm. We're almost at the Headmaster's office, no need to let the humans annoy you. They are beneath you." The girl stops, and slaps Yoru across the face.

"Shut the hell up!" Her cheery brown eyes flash crimson in rage. "I was friends with a wonderful human family. Don't speak ill of them in my presence!" She tells him with the purest of anger. He wipes away the blood that trickled down his cheek as he kneels before her. Taking her hand and kissing it.

"Forgive me, my lady." He says, and she removes her hand from his. Hating the way he gets when he tries to put her on a pedestal, like she's some holy being. It annoys her not being treated like a person.

"Whatever. Lets just go." She says to him, turning to her side, and crossing her arms across her small chest. Yoru rises, and leads the way towards their destination.


"Now you two, don't start arguing again. I've brought you both here to meet our two new Night Class students." Kaien Cross, headmaster of Cross Academy, says to two identical twins in front of him. The eldest of the twins is a tall, lean-built young man with silver hair and lilac-gray eyes, and is wearing his school uniform incorrectly with the vest and red tie exposed from under his black jacket. He also wears five silver earrings; three on his left ear cartilage (top) and two on his right (bottom). He bears a tattoo, the Hunter's Seal, on the left side of his neck.

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