Chapter 30

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A man with dark brown hair moves his head to the side, avoiding the wind spear as he watches the lower ranking vampires attacking the students. He blinks his cold eyes and they turn from a reddish-brown to an angry crimson as he spots a young female brunette in the typical Night Class uniform, except without her white blazer. Her eyes are a matching crimson as she floats over the fighting.

"Forgive me, Kasumioji-sama. It seems my foolish son has sided with your daughter. I will see to it that he returns to his senses." Riku says to the vampire king who nods his head.

"I shall deal with this rebellious brat." He says and his body morphs, becoming a bunch of bats that make their way towards Alondra. She closes her eyes and uses the wind to create a tornado like breeze around her to keep him at bay.

"Otousama, I will no longer let you control my life! My fear will not win! I will break free from your chains and be with the men I love!" She says to him with determination as her tornado is surrounded by blackness. She gasps and tries to fly up to the eye of her tornado but it closes up and she is surrounded by the blackness.

"Damn it! No! I won't let you get to me!" Alondra says not letting her fear win. She puts her hands to the black barrier and pierces through it with the wind. She breaks out and quickly turns to look at the man who had ruined most of her life. They glare into each other's eyes, knowing that today. . . only one of them would make it out alive.

"Then I will just have to kill you and raise the perfect heir to the throne. You are as useless as a hu-" He is interrupted to a blade piercing his chest. He looks down to the ground to find an ash-brown haired man who had flung the blade. Alondra looks over in shock that he managed to pierce very near his heart.

"Damn! Kaito!" Alondra flings herself towards him, taking the brunt of Kasumioji's attack. She feels her ribs crack, especially when she makes contact with Kaito, causing them to both fall and slide to the ground.

Alondra forces herself to sit up on top of Kaito and look down into his surprised hazel eyes. She turns her head away and coughs out blood before looking back at him.

"Are you alright?!" She questions him and he sits up to look at her.

"You protected me?" He questions, still surprised. Alondra smiles a bit and nods her head before trying to get off him, but winces in pain. She puts a hand to the side of her ribs and looks back over her shoulder.

"Where did he go?!" She questions standing up abruptly, but a jolt of pain makes her nearly drop, but Kaito prevents her from falling all the way to the ground. She looks over at him as he looks down at her with a serious expression.

"Sorry, I'm okay now. I need to stop Otousama from hurting the people I've come to care about in this Academy." Alondra says managing to stand on her own.

"You really are an annoying idiot." Kaito says and Alondra looks at him slightly offended by his sudden insult. He sighs and puts a hand on top of her head, covering her eyes.

"You'd better not die or get hurt anymore than this or Zero and Ichiru will have my head." He says to Alondra who blushes a bit at the mention of Zero and Ichiru. She puts her hands on top of his hand and moves his hand away from her eyes. She smiles up at him.

"I'll try, and if you get hurt, I'll protect you too!" Alondra says with a grin before pulling back and flying back up to the sky and distancing herself from the fray below. She looks around, focusing on her surroundings until she catches the scent of her father's blood.

"Bastard, using one of your own servants to heal yourself." Alondra says darkly as she sees her father drinking the blood of his vampire slaves. He lets the vampire he finishes drinking from turn to dust and glares over at Alondra. She smirks and spheres of wind begin to circle around her.

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