Day 4: Thursday

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You had a nightmare that night. You dreamed of a heartbreak greater than anyone's youve ever had. It was the more of the pain of a lie than the break itself.

You could see yourself in SM building. Dressed nicely from head to toe. You even put makeup on which was shorta ichy. You were standing on the 2nd floor with someone who you couldnt see his face but you new it wasn't Key because Key stood on the first floor with another girl. You tried to scream his name but nothing came out. Soon without warning the girl kissed Key and without resistance Key kissed her back. Your heart broke into many pieces at the sight you turned your head away but you couldnt move at all. The person continued to hold you facing to them

"(Y/N) you shouldn't have trusted him" the man whispered "I'll take care of your from now on" you felt him turn you around and hugged you. You couldnt help but cry

"Its okay (Y/N)" he patted your head "im always here for you"

"(Y/N)!" Someone screamed, you turned your head towards the direction no one was there. You turned your head back to the person but he was gone.

"(Y/N)!" It screamed again

"Whose there" you yelled back but no one answered

"(Y/N)!" You began to feel someone shake you and the lights began to fade in.

Your eyes began to open and you noticed (FR/N) leaning above you
"(FR/N)?" you whispered
"Are you okay?" She looked at you worried "your crying"

You touched your eyes and felt that they were wet
"Oh.." you sat up "I guess it was the dream i had"
"What were you dreaming about?"
"Uh.." you looked to her "i" you looked ahead confused "I dont remember" you looked back to her "i cant recall at all"
"Its fine" she patted your back and got up "at least you wont be sad today" she smiled and walked to the door to the hall way
"Where you going?" You asked her
"I have a date with someone" she smiled "unlike you going out without telling me and getting taken away, this guy actually pretty cool" she waved to you but before she closed the door "oh and by the way" she pointed to your phone "your phone has been vibrating a lot I'll check that if i were you" she lefted without another word

"My phone?" You looked to your phone "whos texting me?" You went and graved your phone which began to vibrate with a phone call. You answered it without looking at the caller ID

"(Y/N)! where are you!" Someone yelled "I've been waiting for 20 minutes already"
"Who's this?" You said
"How can you forget about me already" he complained and you looked at the caller ID and your eyes went wide
"Omg LuHan" you screamed "Im so sorry I didnt recognize your voice"
"Its fine" he signed "but where are you I texted you 30 minutes ago to meet me at the restaurant"
"I just woke up" you got up quickly "im sorry i havent had the time to check my phone " you began to put on a pair of black pants "im so sorry LuHan"
"What hotel are you at?" He said as you began to change your shirt to a light blue tank top that transcend into a yellow
"What?" You switched your phone to the other ear "i didnt catch it"
"What hotel are you at?" He signed repeating
"What room number?" He asked
"34, why?"
"Instead of you coming here" he said  "I'll go over there" he laughed "I'll see you in a couple of minutes"
"Wait no" you tried to stop him but he hung up before you could say anything.

You layed down on your bed for about 20 minutes, Signing and soon you began looking around you started to noticed on (FR/N) side everything was spreaded and there were EXO and SHINee posters spreaded on the table
"Damn it (FR/N)" you you got up and ran to the desk and began to roll up her posters to only hear someone knock at the door
"Crap" you dropped the poster and ran to open the door
"Hello" a familiar face appeared as you opened the door
"LuHan" you snickered little "your here"
"This is a nice place" LuHan began to loom from the hallway
"Oh wheres my manors" you moved out the way "why dont you come in"
"Thank you" he walked in and began to take his jacket off "are those EXO posters I see" he looked and walked over to the desk "this ones my favorite" he lifted the one the read Overdose in big letter
"That ones cool" you walked over to him
"Do you have a sharpie?" He looked to you
"Uh..I think" you walked over to your backpack and pulled out a sharpie
"Here" you handed it too him "what do you need with a sharpie?" You said as he took the permanent marker from your hand
"This is for you" he said signing the poster "Would you mind if i take it and get the others to sign it" he lifted it to show you that he had signed where he was located "I want you to remember everyone"
"Its not my poster" you said as LuHan gave you  the puppy dog eyes, you signed "but I guess i can buy it off her"
"Yesss!" He screamed and began to roll the poster up "I'll make sure you get it back later today" he smiled "since you leave tomorrow"
"Oh you remembered I leave tomorrow"
"Of course" he smiled "thats why i asked if your free today cause i wanted to get to know you a little before you leave and" he than looked at you sad "I wanted to talk to you about something" he looked down sad
"Everything alright LuHan?" You looked at him weirdly
"In a way no" he continued to stare down " no one in the group would understand" he snickered "well except Kai, Lay, and Tao"  hus tone when back to serious "but you seem to be the only one i want to talk to about this"
"Talk about what?" You put your hand on his shoulder "you can tell me anything"
"Will you judge me?" He asked
"Of course not" you smiled
"Will you hate me?"
"LuHan?" You looked to him "whats going on?" You began to expect around his body "did someone hurt you?" You put your hands on his shoulder "is it your time of the month?"
"What no" he smiled and pushed you "im a male not a female"
"I wouldnt know" you shrugged your shoulders "anyway" you looked into his eyes "whats going on"
He began to blush as you continued to  look into his eyes
"I...uh...." he turned away and coughed "well" he whispered and looked back at you

"Ive decided to leave EXO"

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