Arriving to the New

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"I decided to put korean dialect (its not in actual korean just the spelling) im using a translator so if the translation is wrong, dont get mad. A frjend of mine recommended I should add Kim Jong-in (Kai from EXO) if you wanna suggest some member you can either message me or post it in the comments Thanks for Reading."


You fell asleep a few minutes after (FR/N) picked up the remaining peanuts that sat on the floor. She cried a little because a couple of the passengers yelled at her for kicking the seats in front.

You dreamed of what you wanted to do in Korea. You didnt know much about Korea just enough to know it could be a fun place to be. You didnt care for the stares you knew were to come but you didnt want to be mistreated to the point of messing with your emotions.
You opened your eyes to reveal everything in front of you was real again

"Ha what am i thinking" you whispered "its not like im going to get a boyfriend in Korea" you breathed in "its just a week trip, not enough time to get in a relationship" as you pep talk yourself you couldnt help but over hear squeling a couple seats in front of you. Two girls one with blonde hair the other with black
"Are you joking" the blonde said
"Its what Kelly said"
"This is going to be the best trip ever" as they continue to squel you just laughed "Fan girls" you whispered

A couple of hours and a Nut fanatic emotions, you finally arrived at Incheon International Airport. It was insane on how many people were here, mostly it was people going away on business and what not. The one thing that interested you the most was the line of photographers surrounding a certin area of the airport. As you and (FR/N) were headed to the front of the airport a crowed of screaming girls ran and pushed you to the ground as they ran toward the location of the photographers

"(Y/N) you okay" (FR/N) helped you up
"Yeah" you wiped your pants and looked to where the screaming girls went
"Whats happening over there" (FR/N) said
"I dont know" you continued to stare
"Wanna check it out" (FR/N) began to walk over there
"I dont think its a good id--"
"OMG" (FR/N) began to scream as she ran over to were the crowd was
"(FR/N)!" You ran after but you get catch up to her the crowd grew and you couldnt get through

"(FR/N) where are you (FR/N)!" As you continue looking for her the crowed grew louder as a group of young boys walked out. You walked back a couple feet to see who they were.
You watched as each boy walked by each looking at the crowed of people but than you noticed one of them staring your way.
You didnt recognize him but you began to looked around you and looked back but to see he had left with the others

"Weird" you stood there a couple of seconds "he wasnt looking at me probably someone who was behinf me" you began to walk to the now disbanding  crowd "Yeah" you whispered as you walked to (FR/N).

As you walked to her she began to speak really fast,  something about amazing boys, dreams coming true, etc.... but that was all you could get out of her as you headed to the doors again. You looked back one more time. Why did it feel like someone was watching you. Eh you brushed it off and continue walking.

You made it too the Hotel with many side stops on the way.
"Do you really need all that" you said as you put your stuff down and jumped onto the bed
"Yes they could come in handy" (FR/N) said putting all her items to her side. You got up and graved one of the items
"Since when do you use chopsticks?" she graved them from your hand and put it into her bag
"Since today"
"Because im going to use them"
"You dont even know how to use them"
"I'll learn" she pouted "im going to take a shower" she walked into the bathroom locking the door.

You smirked than began laughing
"Jeez that women is stubborn" you turned back to the bed "At least you dont talk back" and jumped onto the bed. "
"This is nice" she smiled" got to hand it to you Korea you got some nice places her"
"Who you talking too?" (FR/N) came out.
"No one" you got up and pulled out your phone to see if anyone messaged you nope. Like aways. Than you began exploring the Internet for anything interesting, maybe information on the concert tomorrow.
As you searched through google for more information,  (FR/N) began to sing again.
You got up and headed to the door
"Im going to go take a walk"
"Okay, don't get lost" You headed out the door before she started to go high pitch.

You walked to a near by park. You sat down on a bench next to a big tree and watched all the little kids play there games. You smiled as someone sat next to you. He was cute for a guy. He stared at you than back at the park. You couldnt help but smile

"annyeong, nachseon salam-eun naega juwileul boji moshaessda"
( Hello, stranger i haven't seen you around before).

You stared at him confused

"migug yeoja-e daehan aju yeppeun"
(Your very pretty for an American girl)

"Hold on" you pulled out your phone a typed in a translator and showed him.

"Sorry i don't speak korean" he stared at you than took your phone and typed something in it which took a couple minutes and revealed it

"What is a pretty girl like you doing in Korea?"

You took it and typed

"Whats it too yeah" he took it again and typed

"Must be lonely"

"I'm not lonley" you glared at him

"Than why are you in a park all alone"

"My friend, like its anything to do with you"

"Just trying to be nice"

"Sorry, i didnt mean to get mad at you, its just this is my first time away from home and so this is all new to me"

"Maybe I could show you around sometime" he smirked

"Sorry but no thanks I dont speak to strangers expecially well dressed ones"

He looked down at his clothes and motioned a Thank You to you and took your phone from you.

"oh well too bad" he smiled "I could of made a good guide to you" he winked at you and typed in something else

"Well I have to go, it was nice to see your pretty face again"

he got up typed something in your phone  handed it back to you and began walking away

"What do you mean again" he continued to walk without looking back.

"I didnt even get your name" you whispered and looked back at your phone "unfair" you opened your phone as you began to walk back but you noticed a folder marked "Contact me" was written on your homescreen. You stopped walking and clicked open the file to reveal a name and number

"Kim Jong-in" you whispers. You looked to were the Kim Jong-in guy went. "Where have i heard that name before" You shrugged "better not tell (FR/N) about this" you put your phone back into your pocket and began to smile as you continued to walk back to the hotel.

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