1~ Thrown Away

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Steve was only 2 inches tall. To him the world was huge. He was walking through someones lawn, which to him was a forest, in the early morning. Soon he noticed something strange, it looked like a huge footprint! Because that's what it was! And it was right next to Steve's house too! His house was a small box he had found and turned into a living space. 

He had a leaf for a bed, and a small shot glass for a sink, he filled it with water whenever it rained, because of the sprinklers. 

One day however, someone discovered Steve's house, and this person was none other then the giantess who owned the house who's lawn he was on. She picked up the box.

"Garbage" She said. Oh no, thought Steve, what was she going to do?

The giantess brought the box inside and through it in the trash. Steve tried to escape, but it was no use. He slowly moved out of the box and looked around, it was very dark, and it smelled horrible! He was inside her trash can, this wasn't good, he tried climbing the sides of the trash can, he mad it to the top, only to be stopped by the lid.

The tiny man tried to find his house again, as he did the giantess opened the trashcan and went to through something away, she didn't notice the tiny man trying to find his house. 

The giantess threw away a water bottle, however it was still full, water poured from the sky. It hit Steve's house and ruined it, the wet cardboard fell apart. 

Steve stayed in the trash trying to escape, only to fail over, and over again.

The giantess knew it was trash day, so she went to get her trash from the kitchen, she opened the lid, grabbed the bag, and tied it shut, sealing the tiny man inside.

Steve got pushed back when the giantess through the bag onto the curb, an apple core fell on top of him, he tried to push it off, only to have the water bottle fall on top of him. 

Soon he heard the sound of a trucks breaks...

Then someone lifted the bag he was in, and through it into the garbage truck.

as the bag was thrown in it spilled everywhere. The small man fell out and he landed on a million other garbage bags. 

The truck was getting to full, so soon the huge metal walls of the truck started to compress the trash together, he tried to climb the bags and get to safety, he tried to escape the walls that would soon crush him.

But he couldn't...

One wall came towards him, he felt its cold touch, and it started to push him, next thing he knew, another wall pressed against him, 

Soon Steve was nothing more then part of the trash.

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