Chapter 13: Promises

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you later tonight." She merely nodded. She didn't look very excited... I stood up to hug her goodbye. I wrapped my arms around her as she did the same. The stylist backed away, giving us a moment. I debated whether or not to give Nique a quick kiss. I finally decided it couldn't hurt and leaned in. It was a very quick kiss. Almost as if it didn't even happen.

"That was not a proper goodbye Ray." Courtney stated in a disapproving tone. "Give your girlfriend a real kiss." Slightly embarrassed, I looked at Nique who merely stared back at me. I leaned in and gave her a much longer kiss. When I pulled away Nique nodded on approval. "That's better." She laughed. I heard a giggle escape Nique's lips as well. She probably enjoyed the fact that I had just been scolded at for not kissing her properly.

"Bye Nique Nique." I waved. "I'll see you later."

"Bye." She waved back. I exited the studio with my hands deep in my pockets and head hung low.


~Nique's POV~

I had finally made it home. I was in sweat pants, a blue OMG hoodie, and my curly hair was tied up in a lose ponytail. My photo shoot was... interesting. Everything went well but things between Claire and I weren't great. She was really starting to frustrate me and I wasn't sure how much more I could take. I dropped my bag near the door and noticed my mom sitting on the couch watching tv.

"How was the photo shoot?" She asked, not taking her eyes of some over dramatic tv show. I had no idea which one it was but apparently someone was pregnant.

I rolled my eyes and collapsed next to her. "Boring." I exhaled loudly. "The highlight of my day was when Ray dropped by to bring me food."

Her face lit up and I instantly regretted telling her that piece of information. God, why do I tell her anything that involves him? "That was very nice of him." She nudged me while smiling widely. I nodded, looking bored.

It really wasn't that big of a deal. I noticed it was 8:15 pm. Weren't Ray and I supposed to hang out tonight? Well, I wouldn't exactly mind if he stood me up. I just felt like taking a long hot shower and then heading to bed. After all, I have an early dance practice tomorrow and lord knows those are grueling. Almost as if it had been planned. I was receiving a call from Ray.

"Hello?" I sighed.

"Aren't you just a bottle of sunshine tonight." He chuckled. Typical Ray, always in a good mood. Does this kid ever frown? If not, I'll happily lend him mine. I've been wearing it a lot lately.

"Ray. Stop." I stated, not in the mood. I spent all day with Claire, I think I deserve to be crabby. My moms head snapped in my direction as soon as she heard me say 'Ray'.

"Can you lighten up?" He asked, not in a rude way but in sort of a pleading way. "It's gonna be the first time I get to go out without paparazzi or fans following me around and I won't get to enjoy it if you're having an attitude." I suddenly perked up as I remembered what Ray had promised me. A night of hanging out without all that media bull crap. Lord knows that's just what I needed.

"I'm sorry." My tone instantly brightening. "When are you picking me up?"

"I'll be there in five. Wait outside." He responded before we both said goodbye and hung up.

"You're going out with Ray tonight?" My mom asked excitedly. I nodded and stood up, making my way to the door. "Wait, you're going out like that?" She asked, appalled at my sweat pants, hoodie, and makeup-less face.

"Yeah." I replied and made my escape outside. Not even two seconds later, a white mini van pulled up. I stared at it curiously as it parked in my drive way and Ray hopped out. "Nice ride." I commented, slightly confused and amused at the same time.

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