~In Love With Dan

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He had done it. It had overcome him as an strange impulse when he heard Dan unlocking the door. He had in the moment forgotten everything that consent was and abruptly lounged himself at Dan and the sweet relief when Dan started kissing him back. No feeling he had ever felt during his whole almost thirty year old life could even compete with the intoxicating feeling when Phil kissed Dan. And Dan kissed back.

They were sat at Dan's sofa closely snuggled together holding on to each other as if they were afraid to lose the other one if they ever let go. Phil had his head in the crock of Dan's neck, tickling Dan's cheek with his black hair. Dan's arms were so closely wrapped around Phil's torso that Phil actually for a moment were afraid that Dan would simply hug him in half. Phil's knees lay messily over Dan's lap and they both had their eyes closed just enjoying each others simple presence. Even their breathing were at complete peace and in perfect sync. Phil was on the verge of sleep when Dan's eyelids fluttered open and he looked down at Phil's careless features, the very uniq nose that Dan had always admired, his pale skin, perfectly pink lips, the unmistakable hint of an stubble. In Dan's eyes everything was perfect, simply too good to be true.

"phil" Dan's voice were as  gentle as the softest stroke of a feather, lingered with love and admiration as he stroked Phil's pale cheek. Phil's eyes fluttered open and he looked up in Dan's chocolate brown ones and said, " You're  honestly really cre-" He didn't manage to continue as he had a sudden fit of giggles and Dan muttered something about annoying boyfriend and shoved him of his lap. So phil just laid on the floor partially covered by the blanket that had before been covering them, just laughing, staring up at Dan's face that seemed to float above him. But Dan just chuckled and said something about Phil having the mental age of a five year old and pulled away his head so Phil just remained there watching the white painted ceiling silently wondering how his life suddenly could had become so greatly improved.

Two months ago I was suicidal, look at me now. All it took was Dan. Of course he alone can't make everything repaired, healthy and great again, but he's without doubt the best medicine. And I couldn't do it without him.

Then all of a sudden Dan's head appeared over the edge of the sofa smiling fondly down at him, "Phil you child, come up from there, you'll get all dusty!" Dan kindly reached down a hand for him to grab but Phil that felt particularly uproarious refused to take it and tucked his hands underneath his body, "nope! you'll have to lift me if you want me out of here!" he pouted at Dan and made a silly angry face.

He's NEVER going to carry me! He's not nearly strong enough.

Dan just frowned down at Phil who started to contemplate if he maybe had taken his joke too far before Dan all of a sudden extended his both arms out and wrapped them tightly around Phil's slender body and lifted him up as easy as if he had been made of air, and then dumped him on the sofa with a deep grunt.

"phiiil" Dan whined, "why did you make me carry you? I broke my fucking back thanks to you!" even though Dan's tone were serious, he could clearly see a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth and his eyes were still glowing with a seemingly never faltering light.

"you loved it really"

"you know I did!"

And without warning Dan dived onto Phil and stole a quick peck on the lips before he immediately pulled his head up and smirked at the baffled Phil laying beneath him. Dan stood up from his seated position on the armrest and lazily sat down again straddling Phil's hips and lower upper body making it impossible for him to get away as Dan started tickle his sides. Phil tossed and turned underneath Dan but he could not get away from the taller boys merciless tickling.

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