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That Phil was confused was an understatement, he had no idea where he was, what he was doing there or how he had arrived there. Then it was that strange feeling in his gut telling him that someone was watching him. So he sat up and rubbed his eyes trying to see a bit clearer, when he turned around he got his worst chock thus far.

"Aaaaargh!" Who ever it was had scared the shit out of him!

Phil clutched his heart, his breathing fast and panicky.

Have someone kidnapped me?

"Oh my god I'm sorry!" The person in the doorframe choked out, "I didn't know there would be someone in here" he seemed genuinely concerned, and wait hold up why was he wearing a tux?

I kinda recognise him but from where?

Phil still hadn't said a thing, he had just sat with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why exactly are you here?" The man or rather boy spoke up again. Phil then realised that he had been asked a question and normally people asked questions because they wanted answers.

"Er, I don't actually know?" He noticed how hoarse and husky his own voice sounded.

This is certainly awkward.

"Ehrm okay.. well this is my dressing room and you're sure you have no idea why you're here?" The boy seemed really awkward as he spoke to Phil running his fingers through his hair.

Not a fucking clue

"Well, eh, I should probably leave anyway.." then as he uttered those words something in Phil clicked and he finally understood where and why he was here, he had been at a piano concert and passed out and brought here? But if it was so that meant that the awkward human being was in fact the pianist himself.

I have just made a fool of myself haven't I?

"Oh! Ehr uhm youcouldstayyoudonthavetobutjustifyouwantofcourse" the boy ehr, Daniel, was staring forcefully at his own feet clearly uncomfortable.

Phil was tempted to say no, he really didn't want to deal with any kind of human interaction right now, but on the other hand, Dan looked so nervous and he didn't have the heart to turn him down.

Why now?

Sure Dan seemed like a nice guy and he was rather good looking as well, but what was the point of making friends now? Phil realised that he probably should answer Dan before ha started to think he was some kind of mute.

"Yea sure-" the tension in the air was thick and Phil had already started to regret his decision.

Just get over with it!

"Oh my god! You sure? You don't have to if you don't want to!" He was basically beaming like the sun and acting like a giddy kid.

"Mhm, you're Dan right?" Phil faked enthusiasm and put on a equally fake smile but Dan didn't seem to notice.

Why couldn't I just said no and left?

"Eh yes, what's your name?" He really did act like a nervous child, giggling constantly and looking everywhere but on Phil. Funnily enough he was acting about the same as Phil did in these situations, well how he acted in the situations normally.

There Are No Grey Piano Keys [Phan]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora