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Two months is a really long time, a lot can happen in two months. Things like three rather big concerts can happen in two months. A lot of messages can be sent in two months. A friendship can develop in two months. You can grow fond of someone in two months. A crush stronger than your will to live can develop in two months. A life can get better in two months. A "unofficial coffee date, that's not a date because we're just friends"can be arranged in two months. And all of the things above had happened to Dan in the past two months.

Dan was sat in his lounge nervously checking his phone every other second, he was looking after any kind of sign from his pending guest who already was four minutes late. They had agreed to meet up at Dan's flat and then walk together towards the coffee shop. They hadn't met since that unusual evening at the concert were they had exchanged phone numbers, but after that they had been messaging and calling each other continuously.

Please just arrive already!

Then as a contrast to the glimmering snow outside his window he saw a black haired man in the distance hurriedly walking towards Dan's flat, the man stopped in his tracks and looked first down on his phone and then up on the house, he nodded in confirmation before he headed forward once more. Dan on the other hand was in a state of suffocating anxiety despite that his highest wish seconds ago had been for Phil to just arrive already, right now the only thing he wanted was for Phil to not arrive, because all of a sudden he was not ready at all and everything would just go to shit and it would just be awkward and it'd be better if Phil just didn't come at all.

Why did I ever propose this idea to him?!

But no matter what Dan wanted or thought, Phil was coming nearer and nearer his house. Nearer and nearer his personal space and safe zone but it was a tad bit to late too back out at this point, so Dan swallowed down his raging anxiety, or at least he tried to do so. He rubbed his clammy and shaking hands over his warm flustered face and walked out to the hall. He clumsily pulled on his coat and shoes before what he the last five minuts had dreaded the most in the whole wide world occurred, Phil was knocking on his door.

It might just be the mailman. Right?

But alas no, it sure was Phil who was awkwardly stood outside his front door. phil looked really uncomfortable as stood there scratching his neck not really sure what to do or say, "eh hi?" He finally stuttered. Dan chuckled inaudibly, Phil was just as awkward and adorable as he had remembered him. "oh hi, eh you ready to go? or do you need to use the toilet or something?" never mind he was just as awkward himself. Phil then mumbled, "No. No, I'm good to go actually-".

Please don't let the rest of the day be this painfully abashing!

"Well then lets go" the following events that occurred were at least on Dan's top five list of embarrassing things despite the situation not actually being that bad. As he had tried to shuffle past Phil in the door frame to manage to lock the door he accidentally touched phil's butt and he could basically fell his face go scarlet. Yes, it was an accident. Yes, he had barely touched it, but it was nonetheless so incredibly humiliating and he couldn't even comprehend how embarrassed phil must have felt. All the while in his mindset of complete distress he heard something that definitely did lift his mood a few notches, he heard a muffled squeal that immediately turned into a soft giggle it probably wasn't for his ears to be heard as it had been an accident and a really embarrassing such, but the fact that Phil didn't seem like he was to disturbed by it did bring up his mood.

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