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Dan had just closed the door behind Phil, the sound of his footsteps starting to fade away. He let out a breath he hadn't been aware that he was holding and relaxed his shoulders. Meeting Phil had been so much more exhausting than playing a concert and as the feeling of anxiety started to melt away he felt a warm content feeling seeping through his body, loosing up his sore muscles and stressed mind.

He looked down on the black object in his hand realising what possibilities it held, he had the actual "seriously handsome raven haired stranger" 's phone number, he could call him whenever he wanted even if that would be a little bit weird, but he had the possibility to do so.

I actually got his phone number! How crazy is that?

Then he remembered the reason he had had to throw Phil out so abruptly, he was late and should hurry to get changed. He turned his back to the door and rummaged the tiny room with his eyes looking for his clothes that he found laying in a wrinkly and severely flattened messy heap on the chaise longue.

He gingerly took a few steps forward and picked up the still warm clothes from chaise longue, it felt so weird and unsettling that his clothes were still warm from Phil's body heat. He needed to hurry and get dressed but it felt so wrong and rather intimate to wear clothes warm from someone else's body.

I've got to get changed, there's nothing different with my clothes now they have just been sat on. It's nothing weird or sexual about that!

He repeated those two sentences in his mind as a mantra as he cautiously and as slowly as possibly started to undress.  He loosened up the knot on his tie and pulled it over his head throwing it nonchalantly on the only remaining unoccupied space besides the floor, a small table with a equally small mirror in front of it probably meant for makeup. He then proceeded to shrug of the a few sizes to small dress coat that he careful not to get any dirt on it hung on the door knob. He reached for the top button on his shirt and started undoing it slowly and thoroughly, when all the buttons were undone and the shirt just hung loosely of his shoulders he started unbuckling his belt, he pulled the belt out of the loops and laid it down on the table next to the tie.
The suit pants were a couple sizes to big and without the belt they hung dangerously low on his dignified hips showing of his out washed black boxers as he bent forward as for tie up his shoe laces. He stepped out of the shoes and placed them neatly underneath the table, he took of the already opened shirt and replaced it with his own still slightly warm sweater that had a new unmistakable hint of an to him unknown cologne.

It's smells rather nice actually

He sat down on the chaise longue and started tugging at the leg of his pants trying to wrestle his way out of the silky cotton fabric. Once he had gotten them of he pushed the fancy dress pants aside and started trying to pull his own maybe a bit to skinny jeans up his calves and then when he reached his thighs he had to stand up and sorta jump to get the black garment up over his hips and backside. He was stood panting and scratching his lower back before he took the most dreaded task of them all at hand, closing the zipper. The pants were so skinny that they might as well have been painted on his legs and he had to suck his almost nonexistent tummy in to even be able to remotely close the zipper. However he managed and was now stood almost ready to go he would just have to put on his coat and shoes. He picked up his phone and put his headphones back in before he made a last scan of the room making sure ha hadn't forgotten anything.

Nope, I've got everything!

He walked the short distance between his dressing room and the actual scene humming on a song that had gotten badly stuck in his head. Once back on the scene the little lady from the reception earlier met him and she looked as if she had an internal battle whether she should be pissed at him or proud. It all resulted in her having a rather funny expression on her face as she tried but failed at sounding mad at him as she greeted him with, "you are late" she probably tried to sound intimidating, but since she barely reached to his collar and were about as broad as tall she failed rather miserably.

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