Chapter 19

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Mal's P.O.V-
"What?"the younger girl whimpered as  she rolled onto her back clearly annoyed that I woke her up. It had been at least 2 weeks since she left ,but only one since she started staying here. I liked having her company in my empty apartment and I could always reassure Kling she was ok this way. But man can she sleep.
" You need to go to the hospital."
"For what? Did you cut yourself again?" She asked as stuffed her face into the purple pillow in front of her.
"No you jerk!" I chuckled "It's Meghan"
   "What happened" she slurred as she whipped her head up.
"I don't know Hope was pretty messed up when she called though everyone is there already." I sighed as I leaned against the door post expecting some intense reaction.
"Shit!" As she stared at the ceiling as if she was praying with her hands placed on her head before hopping out of bed.
Not even bothering to change as she threw on her converses and pushed past me towards the door and waited like a slightly sad puppy.
It wasn't long before we reached the hospital and Alexis was showing a side of her that I never saw before. Her hands were shaking,her eyes kept moving, but most importantly her mouth was sealed shut the entire time. As we excited the car, I quickly grabbed her hand in hopes of calming her down ,but quickly dropped it as I remember where we were.
But I mean friends hold hands right?
I guess the loss of contact made her uncomfortable ,because before I knew it she was shaking again and we hadn't even reached the door yet.
"Where is she?" Alexis asked no one in particular as she burst into the waiting room.
"Alexis?" Heather asked in shock as she stared at the younger girl like most of her teammates ,as if she was a kid who just got a new toy.
"Yeah,yeah I'm here. Now where is my sister!"
"Room 303 Hope's in there" called Tobin from somewhere in the corner as I eased over to sit next to her to give Alexis privacy and for the first time since I met her I watched as thick hot drops of water left her eyes. I could tell Alexis was avoiding looking at her tear stained face or all of them really. She didn't want to believe it. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't accept the fact that her worst fear may have come true.
"Wait! Mal... can you come with me? Please."
"Uh sure." I replied quickly as I rose from my seat leaving my teammates behind as we made our way through the darkened halls and I prepared for the worst and hoped for the best.
Tobin's P.O.V-
I stared at the ground after watching them walk away. She wouldn't even look at me. It's her sister not mine and she's not even crying. Not that I was necessary upset that she wasn't but I was just pissed off at everyone at that point. One of my closest friends was stuck in some hospital bed and I have no idea what's going on. And when ever I ask everyone goes mute as if it's some huge secret.
"Fuck" I mumbled under my breath as I realized I was only crying harder and I rushed to the bathroom. As I looked at myself in the mirror and irrelevant thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to change my focus.
Did I turn off the stove?
When does Survivor start back up?
What's my mom doing right now?
But none of these distractions where working and quite frankly I didn't want them to. How I could I think about any of that when Kling is hurt? I'm not that selfish right?
My thoughts were quickly cut short though as I kicked my second trash can of the night when I felt a small hand on my back. I whipped around to see Alex standing behind me with a sympathetic look on her face. But I shook it off as fast I could before rushing out of the room leaving her in confusion. This is not the time or the place for her bullshit not today.
Hey guys sorry for the wait but this chapter was slightly longer. So I hope you guys like it and is me know what you guys think!

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