Chapter 11

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(Meghan's P.O.V)
[2 weeks later]
"Yo Kling you ready ?" Called Tobin from across the locker room.
"I'm always ready" I chuckle as I throw on my jersey for our home game against Orlando Pride. "Maybe you should stop worrying about me and start thinking about how you're gonna pay attention  this time."
"Pay attention? I always pay attention!"
"Oh really? That's not what it looked like when you let Alex trip you up last time."
"I didn't let her do anything! I just lost control of the ball."
"Where did you lose it? In her eyes!" I teased as I began to searched through my bag.
"Be quiet before they hear you!" She hissed causing me to pop my head up as I looked around the room.
"Uhh Tobs you do realize we're the only ones in here right?"
"So. Walls talk Kling." In her best attempt to sound sophisticated.
"Whatever that means" I sigh as I went back to my search throwing things across the deserted room.
"Hey Meghan are you ok?" She asked making her way across the room.
"Yeah I'm fine. Why?"
"Because of this"  It was a picture of Alexis and I after the World Cup I took it with me everywhere. I must of thrown it out by accident.
"Oh yeah I'm good." I lied. It's been weeks since Lexi left and I'm so freaking worried about her. She's been emailing me everyday so I know she's ok but It's not enough. I just want to ... No I need to see her in person. I need to  convince her to come with me.But that has to wait I have a job to do.
"Are you sure?" She asks again I swear Tobin could have been a therapist.
"Yeah now come on we've got a game too win!" I chirped up in an attempt to convince her that I was ok so she'd forget about it. I love Tobin to death but she really does get annoying at times.
(Tobin's P.O.V)
I hate seeing my friends upset especially Kling it's just not who she is. But I left it alone anyway because I knew she didn't want to talk about it and focused on getting ready instead but I failed miserably. I just wish I could do something for her. I sighed as I made my way out of the locker room and started walking around the stadium as people began to pour in early. But my walk was cut short as I was suddenly pulled into a dark room. As i turned to find someone staring down at me.
"Hey hot shot"
"Where you expecting someone else?" She giggled as she flicked the light switch revealing her in her purple uniform. "What's wrong you seem off?" She asked as the smile dropped from her face.
"No I'm good." I reply shaking it off.
"Hey I'm worried about her too..."
I'm guessing she went into some long speech about how strong Meghan is or whatever else came to her mind but I was too distracted by someone walking past outside the door.
"Sorry Al I have to go!" I stuttered as I dashed out of the room before returning to place a kiss on her check "I'll see you after the game!"
And just like that I took off running.
Hey guys sorry it took so long to update! I have huge writers block right now but I'm trying! 😊 Anyway I hope you guys liked it! And if you have ANY suggestions please comment them!!

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