Chapter 5

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(Hope's POV)
"Did you hear that I asked as I opened the door searching for the cause of the sound.
"Hear what?"
"Strange" I sighed as I rendered the house. "I thought I heard someone outside."
"Oh." She replied clearly not alarmed.
"Come lay with me." She replied sticking out her arms as she plopped down on the couch.
"I'm supposed to be cooking remember."
"Well I'm not hungry anymore" she smirked as she pulled me into her lap.

"Fine" I sighed making sure not to put to much pressure on her injured leg."What now?"
"You tell me Solo." She whispered seductively as her lips connected with my neck. Gently sucking as she made her way down sending shivers through my body.
"I'm gonna go cook." I choked out less because I was actually hungry and more because i knew she hated it when I teased. 
"When is Lexi coming back?" I asked.
"Two days. Why?"
"I was thinking maybe I could take her to the pitch and give her some tips."
"Yeah I really want her to like me and lord knows you don't know the first thing about goal keeping." I chuckle as I searched through the cabinets.
"Haha very funny well I'm gonna go take a shower" she replied as her phone began to ring.
"Babe can you answer that."
"Hey Lexi what's up."
"Oh heyyyyyy Hopey is Meghan up." She asked slurring her words.
"Yeah she's in the bathroom is everything ok?" I ask.
"Um I guess you could say that." She hesitated as loud music blasts in the background. "Hey do you think you could come pick me up from somewhere?"
"Umm ok just let me get Meg-"
"Actually could you um not bring her with you?"
" Lex-"
"Please Hope. I just... I don't want her to see me here. Please.
"God what have gotten yourself into now."
"I'll explain everything later just come now please!." She yelled into the phone.
"Alexis you need to tell me what's going on." I replied as i began to panic. Shit what do I do?
"I will! Ok just come get me!"
Fine" I sigh as I hear the water turn on. "I'm on my way."
That moment when you consider writing smut but then change your mind halfway through the chapter. Haha. It's kind of a cliffhanger but I hope you guys liked it.

My Sister's DefenderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora