Chapter 4

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"Hey Morgan!" Brian exclaimed as he answered the door.
"Hi B is Carli around?"
"Yeah she's in the basement with Tobin." He replied as he lead her towards the door.
"Thanks" She replied as she ran down the steps nearly tripping.
"Calm down speed runner." Tobin chuckled from across the room.
"Morgan what's up?" Carli asked clearly uninterested in Tobin's jokes as she noticed the tears in my eyes.
"Nothing" She lied. "I just needed someone to talk to about... wait why is Mal passed out on your couch?"
"Long story." Sighed Carli "if anyone asks she not here."
"Um ok I guess. But wait why is... You know what never mind I need your help."
"Is this about Kling again Babe you've gotta get over this." She replied softening her tone as she pulled Morgan towards a chair.
"I know I know but I went to her house and I saw Hope with her and I just couldn't help but break down."
"I mean why did you expect. They've been together for about 2 years now babe."
"I know I just can't stop thinking that it should be me instead. I mean Tobin what did you do when Alex was with Servando?"
" I just let their relationship run its course and made sure I was there for her when that course ended."
" I don't think I can wait that long." Morgan sighed as she threw  her head back clearly hoping for a different answer.
"Maybe you could break them-up?" Mal slurred as she popped her head up and stumbled her way over to us.
"Are you kidding me there's no way I can... Are you drunk?!"
"Shhhhhh" she giggled as fell into Tobin's lap. " I thought we were talking about your problems."
"Later." Tobin mouthed to Morgan as she comforted to the eighteen year old.
"Anyway there's no way I could break them up." Morgan replied in hopes of changing the subject.
"Actually it wouldn't be hard for you to do if you think about. Kling is your best friend she'll believe anything you tell her."
"No! No! No! No! There are red flags all over that. Don't you dare even consider it." Carli butted in.
"But nothing! Have you guys seen how happy Kling has been? She's in a really good place right now and doing this could ruin that for her."
Morgan sighed she knew Carli was right Meghan has been happier than ever before since she and hope got together. How could she take that away from her?
"Listen Moe I know how much you want this but right now Kling needs you! Her best friend more than ever. You need to be there for her now or your never gonna get the chance you've been waiting for."
"I know Carli. I know."
Sorry for the long wait guys I'm on vacation and I haven't been able to use the Internet a lot. Let me know what you guys think. 😄

My Sister's DefenderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora