Chapter 2

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Bright lights flooded Meghan's sight as she opened her eyes to find that she  was in a hospital. She quickly began to search her mind in order to figure out what had gotten her there.
When she heard a familiar voice, "Meghan!" Yelled Morgan as she hopped out of her chair.
"Moe? Moe what happened?" She asked as she tried to sit up sending a piercing pain throughout her body.
"You got into a car accident-"
"What!?" She quickly interrupted as she tried to replay the nights events.
"Yeah a few miles from the practice field don't you remember?"
Meghan wanted to say yes but the truth was she didn't remember all she knew that she was on her way to the field with Lexi when...
"WAIT! Where's Alexis!"
"Um I think - I think she's a few rooms down" replied Morgan with a slight hint of uncertainty. "But Drew is in there with her!" She quickly added after noticing the worry in her friends eyes.
She wanted to say more but her thoughts were cut short as Kling began to rise out of the bed.
"Meghan you need to lie down!" She yelled in an attempt to stop the older girls efforts but before she knew it was no use as the defender pushed her way through the door.
She could see her younger brother pacing outside of the room ,as she made her way down the hall and her heart dropped as she prepared for the worse.
"It's all my fault! Drew was right!I should've known I couldn't handle it, and now she's gone and it's all my fault!" ,she thought as she walked up to the boy.
"Meghan thank god your alright!" He sighed as he pulled her small frame into his arms.
"Drew I'm so so sorry",she cried as her voice began to crack as if she was going through puberty all over again. "I don't know what happened I just..."
"God Meg I could care less about how it happened I'm just glad your both ok"
"Ok?" She questioned gesturing towards her sisters seemly lifeless body through the window, "S-She's ok?"
She didn't wait for an answer as she let out a huge sigh of relief as the worry on her face was slowly replaced with one  her award winning smiles.
Meanwhile, Morgan stood across the hall as she watched her best friend in pain both mentally and physically. To afraid to disrupt what seemed to be a fragile moment she began to think back on all the years she knew Kling. And out of all those years she had never seen this serious yet sensitive side of Meghan before or maybe she never noticed , but for some reason it intrigued her and she was determined to know why.
Hey guys I really wanted to show a serious/mature side of Meghan in the first few chapters but don't worry I'll show the other side of her too! Lol

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