When I looked back, Shadow was gone and Banr was walking around angrily. I smiled at his stupidity. But my smile quickly faded as a arm snaked around my waist and held me in the air. At first I didn't move as who ever grabbed me started to walk away, but when I realized who it was, I started struggling. The familiar tall, broad build.

"Let me go!" I yelled at Pierce. He didn't listen, he just continued to walk back to the building. No one seemed to notice him at all. I elbowed him in the side with my good arm and he didn't even flinch. I squirmed and yelled but he didn't do anything. I started to panic as Pierce carried me farther away from everybody else who could help me. He laughed in his deep, booming voice. I knew I wasn't going to get help and even though I was hurt, I had to do things for myself.

This time I didn't intend for it to happen. It felt like my powers came so much easier then before. I could will myself to do things now and it thrilled me. Pierce began to lift into the air and of course I did too. It was the weirdest feeling, lifting yourself into the air and floating. Pierce was actually weighing me down, it was like I was a balloon. I focused on on my feet and I imagined myself walking but not on the ground. Then I went higher, by a couple feet. I never knew my telekineses could go as far as me somewhat flying, but it worked.

I laughed suddenly as I was filled with excitement. I was weightless and it was even easier to 'fly' than it was to lift other objects. Maybe it was because I was more familiar with my own body, therefore lifting the matter was easier than the matter of a foreign object. Pierce's grip on my loosened and he fell to the ground. He began to curse and rant about how I shouldn't take my power from him again.

I looked around and I could see things more clearly. I watched battles without getting in the way this time and I could see the forest from a different perspective. It was amazing. I tested myself, by putting both legs straight. I took one step forward and I imagined that a rock or stepping stone was under my foot. I moved forward and continued to move around without hurting my leg at all. I felt the breeze through my hair and the sun on my skin.

I was gleeful and giggly. It wasn't everyday that someone found out that they could fly. I didn't want to go to high though, I didn't want to exhaust myself even further. I walked faster towards the parked truck. But I stopped and looked down. I was over the masses of people and none of them seemed to notice me. Swords crashed, guns shot and powers were being used mercilessly.

I heard my name being screamed and I looked over to see Pierce, Bane and my father along with a bunch of guards chasing after me. I simply turned around and walked away. I didn't look over as they tried to get my attention. All they were doing really was alerting more people to look my way. I wondered if it was easier to float, or walk mid air. I stopped walking and I pictured my self sliding through the air and suddenly, I went shooting forward so quickly that I fell back from the force. But I imagined myself sitting on the air as if it were a cloud. It was so weird to catch myself as I fell.

It seemed that whatever I imagined, it could power my actions and make the imagination a reality. I was literally sitting on the air as I pretended to drive a car. I found it so amusing that I even added the car noises while I was sliding around in the air. I moved my hands as if it were a steering wheel.

"What the hell is she doing?" My father said from below. "I think she's pretending to drive a car, sir." Said another voice I did not recognize. I didn't want to be near my father what so ever. I wanted nothing to do with him, or to see him.

I 'drove' my 'car' to the truck that I was now above and I imagined myself slowly descending. As I was a few feet off of the ground I straitened myself and dropped. I landed steadily on my good foot and turned to the black truck. I opened the door and hopped inside. I was on the drivers side, so I could lock the doors, which I did. I sighed in relief that I at least made it this far.

Someone coughed and I turned my head. Sitting there was Eaton, smiling like an idiot. "Hi Eaton." I said as I leaned over to hug him with one arm. He returned the hug and replied "It is good to see you alive. We were so worried about you." He gushed. I scoffed and shook my head. "Obviously no one was worried enough because as soon as I got out of the building, everyone started fighting. Daniel and your brothers seemed to forget I was even there. The only reason I'm here is because I got myself here." I didn't want to sound like a brat, but I was pissed. Family is supposed to be there for family. "But Shadow was supposed to bring you here-" Eaton had wide eyes and he looked like a surprised puppy. But I cut him off, "well he didn't."

I turned to see Bane and his little army running towards us. "Hey, you have the keys?" I asked Eaton, without taking my eyes off of he army hurdling down the road at us. "Yeah but, you can't drive." Eaton handed me the keys and I started the ignition. I knew how to do that at least and how to move the gear shift. It was a start. "You don't know how to drive either." I retorted. I looked around and tried pulling the stick thing beside the steering wheel and the windshield wipers went on. I turned them off then examined some other buttons and such. "Arianna you're injured!" Eaton exclaimed as I pushed the gear shift to reverse. I looked in the rear view mirror and slammed on the gas. I knew I had to do it slow and careful, but I didn't have time to do that when an army was right in front of us.

The truck went speeding backwards and I pushed the break more careful this time. We were now at the end of the road and I could turn and drive up the other road to the city.

But a bunch of guards surrounded the truck and held there guns to the windshield. "Arianna! Just get out, they are going to shoot!" Eaton yelled. I moved the gear shift again and hit the gas. I ran right over the guards and I felt their bodies under the tires and some bounced off of the hood. I heard gunshots aiming at the truck. I swerved the wheel then straightened it when I had turned onto the road to escape. I pushed on the gas as we went sailing down the road. I tried to stay in the middle of the road, though it was a two way street, and I did pretty good. It wasn't that hard really, you just had to hold the wheel steady and make small turns of the wheel. It probably would have been easier with two hands, but oh well. "Oops." I mumbled.

I turned to look at Eaton. His face was pale and he was griping the seat. "There was a plan we were supposed to follow. Everything was perfect. What happened?" I placed my eyes back on the road. Suddenly the truck bounced and there was someone in the back seat. "Well that's all on Daniel. He lead everyone into battle too early and left Arianna hobbling around in the middle of a war." Shadow grumbled. Eaton jumped in surprise and hit his head on the roof. "Still not used to the whole teleporting thing?" I asked. Eaton nodded while rubbing his head.

"Woah woah woah! Why are you driving?!" Shadow yelled. I picked up the speed as we went flying over a hill. This sure was fun. "Why not? We were about to be shot in the head, so this was the alternative." I shrugged one shoulder. "You're going to kill us!" Shadow exclaimed. He leaned over and grabbed the wheel, swerving the truck on the road. I tried pulling it back but he only elbowed me. "Stop the truck and let me drive. There's a meeting place we have to go to." As soon as Shadow said stop, I slammed on the break. He went falling forwards and his elbows hit the dash board. He grumbled something under his breath about never letting me drive again.

I open the door and hopped out. Shadow and I exchanged places, but as I walked past him, I saw his swollen face and the dried blood under his nose. It could have been worse though. He got into the drivers seat and wasted no time speeding down the road. I sat in the middle of the seat, so I was leaning forward between the Shadow and Eaton. I heard the hum of another car and I turned my head. A black mustang was approaching fast.

"Guys... we have company..." I said slowly. Then two guns were stuck out the windows. They were trying to shoot out our tires.

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