Chapter Twenty-Six: Master Owen

Start from the beginning

The one that was most open with his feelings was Lucas. He'd casually smile and wink at them. If he weren't so smug, and if he hadn't shot at her brother, Eri might have thought him handsome. However, she was glad that the barian forced him to keep his distance.

Owen reared his horse to Eri, and rode with them for a distance, inducting Aurora into the mysteries of the Craft. He discussed with her rudimentary spells and runes she would have to learn.

However, implementing her new acquired knowledge would have to wait until they stopped for rest. Magic was hard enough standing in place, riding on horseback was far from the ideal setting.

The sun was past its center when the group finally decided to rest. Everyone tended to their own mount before resting for themselves. When the food was passed around, Owen claimed his seat once again beside Aurora. Tezaro frowned, Lucas ate, and Eri watched.

"How far can you cast your shield?" As before, Owen ate little, magic his constant focus.

Aurora shrugged. "I'm not sure. Ten maybe fifteen yards. That's as far as I know."

Owen took in her comment. "We will have to test this, but preferably on an open plain. Line of sight should be a factor to your distance, though I'm hopeful of your skill." Aurora smiled at his compliment.

"Do you know how strong your shield is in our world? No? Then we need to find out. Eri, get your sword and dagger." Eri did as her brother asked while Owen positioned Aurora a short distance from the others. "Go at her with the dagger first."

"What?" Three voices fired back. Owen ignored them all.

"This is training remember? I have to know what you can do." He nodded at Eri. "Go."

Without qualm or hesitation Eri launched her dagger at Aurora. Instinctively her shield went up as she protected herself from the hit with her arms. A translucent lavender bubble deflected the dagger.

"Good. Now your sword."

Tezaro stood by, helpless to interfere. Aurora gulped, her hands cast out, knees bent, bracing herself for Eri's attack. She let the magic flow through her reinforcing the shield.

Tezaro's hand flexed around the hilt of his sword. Ready. Eri took two quick strides forward and slashed her sword through the air with great force and speed.

Everyone held their breaths.

Eri repeated the attack again and again. Each time it scratched along the surface of Aurora's shield, sending pale lavender streaks into the air like frayed ribbons. Owen observed Aurora's face and posture. The shield completely surrounded her.

He nodded his head and as if reading his mind, Eri continued to attack Aurora from all angles. Perspiration dotted Aurora's strained face, but the shield still held.

"Do not lower the shield, Aurora. Hold it steady." She did as he instructed. "We have proof your shield can resist sufficient physical attacks, but what about magical?" Aurora faced her new opponent, unsure of what to expect.

Owen's hand began to glow and as he turned it upwards a silvery blue energy ball grew, crackling with power. The shield around Aurora brightened in color as she renewed her efforts to fortify it.

She had never held a shield for this long before. Something was different. They had always been momentary, a quick response. Strain caused her arms and legs to tremble while her breath grew heavy. She hoped she had enough power to hold off at least one Owen's attack.

The ball flew at an incredible speed, straight and true aimed at Aurora's chest. The impact caused a magnificent silver and lilac light show. The energy ball was gone, but the shield remained.

Yet there was no time to rest or feel triumph. Owen was already hurling another energy ball while another formed in his hand. Her whole body began to shake, sweat visibly ran down her face. One more hit and either the shield or Aurora would collapse.

Relentlessly Owen prepared another energy ball, unaffected by his use of power. Tezaro crossed his path. "One more and you will answer to me."

For all their friendship was worth, Owen was positive Tezaro would carry through with his threat. They had not physically scuffled since they were children and even then Tezaro had bested him. He'd gotten what he'd wanted at any case. He snapped his hand into a fist and the ball disappeared.

Aurora's knees hit the soft ground exhausted. There wasn't enough air in the valley to fill her lungs. When her shield blinked out of existence, Lucas was at her side offering her water which she gratefully took. She felt depleted, barely coherent.

Meanwhile, Eri watched the tension between her brother and Tezaro simmer. Eri approached them, reluctant to take a side. Still glaring at one another, she heard Owen say, "My friend, I must know what she can do. This is merely training. Surely you must realize this as she is my apprentice."

"Yes, but she is also my..." Tezaro caught himself before he finished.

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