Chapter 22

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"Kira, you sure it's this way?" I ask her, while she sweats and grabs the steering wheel, clutching it frantically. Her nears eat races. She looks at me as lost as a cow on the moon. We've been driving for at least an hour. I'm scared. Very scared.
"I really don't know. I remember that canyon over there. That's were my mom and I met them." She responds. Stiles heartbeat is flat. I know his dead but I won't give up. I can't give up. Not until I know I've tried everything possible. There's certainly something so terrifying about having your dead best friend in the back of his own car. Then, I start to think about his dad. He lost everyone. Stiles is the only one left with him. I suddenly feel a more intense need of bringing him back.
The Jeep jolts up and sown because of the rough terrain. Kira speeds up and we finally reach the canyon she said. The air is hot and sticky. We all get out of the car, and Lydia just behind us. We stare at the horizon. We stand there in the middle of nowhere. The sun is trying to kill us, or at least it feels like it. I grab Stiles' lifeless body and carry him towards the group. I hear some sobs, and everyone except me looks away from Stiels. His lips are blue and he is very cold, even with the hot climate. Argent is particularly quiet. He feel guilty, I can smell it off him. I feel guilty too. If there's someone who needs to be dead right now is me, for not taking care of my pack. Of my best friend. Kira looks around the dresser, searching frantically for a sign.
"They should b-" before she finishes her sentence, the skin walkers emerge from the San, they're skin peeling off like chipped white paint. They all have weapons and look very intimidation. They look at Kira.
"You." One of them says pointing at Kira, I immediately step in front of her and ouch her back. There not taking her. Kira is off limits.
"We need your help." I say. They look at me and at the same time they all twist their heads to the right. It gives me the chills. I need to save Stiles and it needs to be fast.
"Your friend?" The taller one asks. Her voice seems to echo through out the distance. I can see the pack is scared too because they're clenching their fists and their bodies are tensed. I look down at Stiles' white face. Then I fix my gaze on the skin walkers.
"Yes." I respond. They're going to ask for something in return.
"We can save him. However a deal must be struck." The one to the left says. I step in closer to them.
"What do you want in return?" I ask bitterly. They look at the Jeep. The want the jeep? Stiles would kill me...if he could.
"We want the girl." They fix their gaze on me. I look at Kira, tears pooling on her eyes.
"Kira is off limits." I say. And hug her tight to me.
"We were not talking about Kira." Then what are they-? Malia. They want Malia. I can't give her away. Not Malia. If I have back my best friend, meaning Stiles, I'll have to lose my other best friend. That's not fair.
"I-I Can't." I respond. They lift an eyebrow in unison.
"Then there's no deal." They turn their backs to us and start walking away. Malia...I mean we have no idea what to do with her. Will we just inject her with wolfsbane everyday, to keep her down? I have no idea. Panic ignites all over me.
"Okay, fine, fine." I say flailing my arms. They turn around and smirk. I hate skin walkers, but it's the only way to save Stiles.
"Scott!" Lydia screams. I turn around and just shake me head no. She knows it's the only option. I'm I making a mistake? I don't know.
"Bring her." They command and Liam walks to the Jeep. His head hanging low. I feel defeated and so does the entire pack. I see Liam licking Malia up and he starts walking towards us again, when suddenly Malia jolts into action and a piercing scream is heard. Before I can even notice, a spare is impaled through each of Malia's arms. The. Two more go into her legs. She screams but growls in anger. She angry. She looks at me and I feel the guilt is eating me alive. She screams even more. I'm gonna get back when this is over. We will. I promise you, Malia. I can't stand seeing her in pain. Stiles will never forgive me...
"Okay, now it's time for the ritual." One of them discusses with the others. They tell us to back off and we do. They lift their arms in unison and a circle of fire surrounds them. We all get startled. They say some unknown words in I don't know what language. We are all waiting. The sky turns gray. And everything is dark for a moment.
Suddenly, I hear Stiles' heart kickstart. His body jolts into life and suddenly he's panting. We all laugh and sig ph in relief. I look behind me, to see if Malia's spirit was also brought back, but any trace of her is gone. The skin walkers must've taken her already. The fire extinguishers and we all gather around Stiles. He's looking at us, confused and relieved. I kneel beside him. He closes his eyes for a moment. He's alive.
"Welcome back buddy." I tell him patting his shoulder. He chuckles a little bit.
"You better not have, for the sake of Liam's life, scratched my Jeep." He says pointing at me. We all laugh. He looks around and then looks back at me. I was afraid this moment was coming...
"Scott, where's Malia?"

A/N: Just want to say that everyone's being all disappointed about Teen Wolf's last season and it has not even premiered but like, if I'm honest without you, We all know that Stalia is gone and that Stydia is going to happen but we're missing the's not about the ships we need to be fighting for but for the essence of the characters. Don't know how the last season will turn out but I just want Malia to have justice for her character. I need to know that fighting for her humanity and fighting for Stiles wasn't in vain. What do you think? That's all...bye.☁️

The Loss Within: Staliaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें