Chapter 17

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I wake up before dawn and get out of my tent, carefully pushing Malia away from me, she's in a deep sleep. I step into the cold night and look at the starry night. Argent. I don't know what Scott is going to do, but I'm pretty sure he won't hunt him down. He sand Scott are friends, we'll all the pack is. However I owe him an irreplaceable thing...Alison. Lately, I've been thinking about her, I can't really remember what she said to me the last day Is poke to her. But I was just dreaming about her. The dream is kind of fuzzy, but the only thing I can remember is that she was trying to call my attention. But she's faraway, and can't hear her. I think she screams go. But I oils the move, my whole body was heavy, almost as if I couldn't control it. That's why I woke up. I'm not shaken up by it, it just seems a little weird. I've never dreamt of her before, not even after knowing what I did. I sit by the now, extinguished fire, with coals sizzling with red still. I look at the horizon and see that the sun is starting to peek from the endless desert line. It's so pretty. That makes me remember what seemed an eternity, falling and expecting my death back at that cave. But what astonishes me the most, was that I was willing to leave everything, just to come back to my mom. I didn't even know if I was going to come back anywhere, but either way, I wished with all my spirit to have her back. But...don't I have friends and people I love here?I mean, I have Malai, and that should me more than enough.
I return to reality when I hear steps, crunching against the sand. I look up form where I'm sitting to see a morning Malia. Her hair messy and her eyes watery from yawning. She mutters something. I chuckle.
"What was that?" I ask her. She runs her eyes and then yawns again.
"I said: Good morning." She repeats herself and I laugh again at her. She sits next to me and stares at the burning coals. She rests her head against my shoulder and sighs. I lean my head in pro hers.
"What after all of this? Graduation, college...what will happen?" She asks me. I start to thing and thoughts rush my mind, I've thought about this for so long, but Malia seems bothered by the fact were graduating.I know the answer.
"An epic story. That will be written in the book that hold our lives." I tel her and tuck a strand of hair onto her ears. She laughs a little and takes my hand, holding it tight. I kiss it and she blushes.
"I want to live a thrilling life you know? With you. I want to write an epic book, Stiles. I want you to be in it." She says salowly while she turns there head toward the burning, emerging sun. I can sense she be nervous about senior year. Probably because her learning skills are not a hundred, but I get the feeling that it's more mouth personal than that.
Malia and I tell a few jokes and we wake up others with our loud and annoying laughs. Scott screams for us to shut up, but we inky laugh twice as hard. Clutching our stomachs and laughing at the incompetent joke I made.
When everybody is up, they throw us hate glances. I mean, I've been pretty upset of so one wapo,Ed me up too. There's three things, Stiles can't live without: Sleep, Family and Malia. Oh, and food is there as well. I guess they're four now.
After packing our tents are organizing our stuff, we shove our things onto the cars' trunk and we head east. It's still bothers me p, not having anywhere to go, but I still drive in, hoping that the jeep wouldn't brake down. I speed up and Scott sniffs the air so those Malia. I hope we find Argent soon. Blowed brains are not exactly a good view and much less, from my friends. I'm nervous. What if we don't find him? And if we do, what will we do?
"Stiles, yore soaking in anxiety." Malia announces me, I just concentrate on the road.
"Yeah, it's just...I'm nervous, you know?" I say, trying to calm myself by clutching the steering wheel tightly. After half an hour, stops lifts his palm for me to stop and I step on the brakes. Malia smells so thing to, since she's concentrated.
I look around. There's an old cottage. It's very little and very worn out. It's made out wood, although it's already rotting. It's no bigger than my room. A few moments later, Lydia arrives. Liam, Hayden and Kira step out of the car and look around, sniffing the air and their heads face the small cottage.
We enter the building as quiet as I can. I'm the first to tiptoe in. The cottage is fully equipped with ugly furniture. I step in closer. I step on the wood and it creaks. Someone pulls up form behind the sofa and aims the gun at us.
It's Argent. Liam and Hayden can't die but neither can Argent. Like I said I owe him a profound debt. I've never going to let them get him. He's a friend, not a barter
Product. I can't shake the image of Alison of my head when I see him, all dusty and dirty.
I owe him. I owe him...

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