Chapter 13

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What does he mean when he says  I was waiting for you?
"Aww, my katana was just about to say that." Kira says as she put the blade resting on her shoulder, he looks at her and Kira's  eyes glow orange.
Theo looks tired, he looks sad, broken and even weak. Let's just say Theo Raeken doesn't look like Theo Raeken. I can already tell that he's not going to be an ass tonight. Something is different, it's like if, he is destroyed. But the only thing I know can destroy Theo is Kira. However, his bloodshot eyes, and dark circles reminds me of a dying patient or somethings. It just odd. Something is really off about him.
Malia looks at him. I look at her hands. Her claws are out and so are the others. However they have this face of uncertainty. Like they smell or sense something. They're not scared, they're just confused. Theo stands there, quiet. Malia takes a step forward, and I take it a second after her. But she throws me a look that certainly screams: Let me.
I step back again. Theo looks at her. He has...tears?
"Okay. So before we get rid of you...Ill ask you something...why? Why did you do this to me?" She asks. She's not longer talking to him but growling. I feel the heat too. Control, Stiles, control. I remind myself. Don't let the anger get a hold of you.
"Malia, you think I don't know, you know the answer?" He asks. Tears sprinkle out his eyes. I tilt my head, confused. How could Malia know anything...
" last chance, before I slice your throat." She says, and steps in closer, glaring at him. Her eyes glowing and her teeth growing. She's not joking. I'm starting to feel unease at the edge of my heart I'm not going to like what he's going to say...
"I knew that I couldn't have you if you remained the same as how he left you. I am heartless, but Malia you are too. Or at least you were." He starts. Mali lifts one finger and points it at his face.
"Stop." She gasps. She understands what he's talking about. However I don't, and judging by the look on everyone's faces, they don't either. Malia takes a step back, but Theo takes a step foreword. I take a step foreword too, so does Kira and Scott.
"Malia you were void, but yo didn't need the Nogitsune be void. You are void, because that's who you are. You're the Malia who enjoys killing and torturing."
"I said stop!" She says and slaps him. He just readjusts his jaw and looks at her again. Takes her hand but she snatches it away with her claws.
"You Malia, are the same person who likes to kill people who stand in you're way, the one who loses control when anger arrives, -" he stops for a moment. Malia looks at him with rage and grief.
"Don't.You.Dare." She says. She clenches her fists and her eyes are now glowing a different shade of blue.
"You Malia, are the exact same person who murdered your family." He says. Mali snaps and pins him to the ground. My heart stumble on its own beat. She puts her hand up. And I think he's dead but before she can do it Scott grabs her hand
"Malia, don't." He says, measuring his words carefully. She lifts to her feat from Theo but then kneels back to the ground. A piercing scream echoes through the night. She's crying and screaming. I don't need to be a werewolf to know she's extremely frustrated. I run up to her and hug her tightly. I kiss her forehead and combs her hair, but she's still screaming in agony. I tell her it's okay and tell her how much I love her, but her grief seems unimaginable. Then, she shushes when Theo whispers:
"Malia, you and I are the same. I love you Malia. That's why I did it. Accept it... You're void. Please Malia, I need to hear you say that." He whispers. She looks at him with nothing but anger and pity.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you from the darkness, but I am Malia Tate. Yes,the girl who killed her family,yes, the girl who won't hesitate to kill and yes, anger's personal puppet, but I'm also the girl who's sorry about every single one of those things and the girl who created her own light in the dark tunnel, also I'm the girl who is capable of loving immensely. Finally. I'm the girl who surpassed the loss within." Sheri I she's and Theo curses and talks to himself while he pounds the ground. I hug her and she hugs me back. She's my girl. The girl who with I share...the loss within.

BTW: We're not done yet... Kira is specially done yet. Just kidding, we all know Scotts not gonna let Kira kill the bastard. The 'true alpha' thingy and stuff. No, but seriously were not done...yet. I love suspense... And these.............

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