Chapter 11

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"Stiles, hurry!" Malia struggles, she's swearing and panic lingers in her eyes. She holds my hand. I smile at her and kneel beside her while the straps are still restraining her.
"Malia Tate...The girl I love, remember when we turned you back to human....I remember that the first time I saw you, you took not only my breath away but also my life. You were so beautiful, I questioned my existence. Even when you punched me in Eichen house, I had to pretend I was upset but trust me, it was an honor to have your knuckles brused because of me. I wondered why someone like you came along. I mean I certainly don't deserve you. Malia, I need you in my canvas because without you, it's boring and empty. I'm void. Without you I'm nothing. And forgive me if I'm being way too dramatic about this but you need to know this...I love you." When I finish, part 1 of my plan ends. Now it's time for part 2...
I kiss her. I feel pain all over me. But I keep my lips on hers. She's also feeling pain, I can feel it, but were somehow enjoying it. She somehow tears the straps and pulls me in. She grabs the back of my head and my neck. The pain is over me. But it hurts so good. I feel anger, grief, desolation but also love, fierceness, and warmth.
Malia said she needed a host. We couldn't get anyone except me. I figured out that since she can transmit suffering she can also share the shadow. We are void, angry, misunderstood but we are together.
She pulls away and starts smiling at me. She's back.
"You saved my life." She says as tears stream down her sacred cheeks.
"No, Malia, you saved mine." I say. We're sharing demons inside of us and we will fight them for the rest of our lives, but it'll be worth to go to hell and back holding hands. She kisses me softly again and then our lips pull away, and our foreheads connect.
"I knew you wouldn't leave me behind." She says, and I smile and sob at the same time.
"Jesus, this is not appropriate." Liam says. We turn to him.
"Liam go do homework with Hayden. It's past your bedtime." I say and usher him out of the room. Malia holds my hand and then looks at Scott, who comes close and hug her.
"Followed your orders, alpha" she jokes and makes a salute, with her hand on her forehead.
"At ease, soldier." He laughs and hugs her again. She then turns to Lydia and gets off the table to hug her tightly. They're both crying.
"Lydia,I guess I need to catch up with school, would you help me?" She jokes. Lydia laughs.
"Always." Then they laugh together. Malia proceeds to jump on Kira and she grips her tightly.
"Hit me up for the club, anytime." Malia says, we all laugh,Kira blushes. Everybody is happy now. And I can't help smiling like a dork. She's back. Were back. This is my family and I couldn't be prouder.
A/N: I know this is a short chapter but there's more coming so... I hope you like the chapter! Please vote and comment. Have a great day!again, Thank you for reading this, if you did.

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